.eu domains – landrush starts today

Today is the free for all. Any Irish resellers online yet and offering domains? GoDaddy is offering domains for $14.75, Joker is offering them for €20 a year.

Some bloggers might be interested in available domains such as:

OPML.eu (wonder who’ll go for that)


7 Responses to “.eu domains – landrush starts today”

  1. Donal says:

    Damien.eu perhaps?

  2. Damien says:

    Taken, damn them.

  3. Markham says:

    mondi.eu is also gone.
    As is adi.eu

    However as of yesterday PepeLeP.eu, Sacrebl.eu, and Cordonbl.eu were all still available.

  4. Markham says:

    They’re also E12.50 with EU Internet (plus VAT)

  5. Tim Worstall says:

    Well, I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep it (at least one other person claims to have bought it as well) but http://www.f**kthe.eu (remove stars, obviously) is apparently mine. Now to just work out what to do with it.

  6. Dave says:

    euinternet.com is where I got mine, E15 apparently!

  7. ucc says:

    we are interested to buy this domain, http://www.ucc.eu
    please give us some inf
    k.r Sylwester