As a way of generating a little revenue for this site, I’ve decided to have some sponsored blog posts on for a working week. There’ll be one new sponsored post each day for 5 days. I get quite a lot of mail from crowds around the world asking to sponsor this site but I worked out a deal where there’ll be a blog post containing an audio sponsorship once per day. The sponsorship can be played directly on the post or you can subscribe to a podcast of it. The text to the audio of the sponsorship will be posted on the blog post too. I think the sponsors are just as excited to try this new medium as I am. These will be as non-intrusive as possible and will not be set to auto-play when the post is viewed.
Feedback on these during the week would be appreciated. The first post will be released around midday tomorrow.
I want to have a sponsor too! As a matter of fact I’d like to do and place my own site with the collection of my handicraft!!!! 🙂