Archive for October, 2006

Band or DJ wanted for the 2007 Blog Awards

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006

I’m looking to get a band or else a DJ for the 2007 Irish Blog Awards which should be happening in late February or early March. After the Award show itself I’d like to keep the crowd together and prevent the mass scattering we encountered last year. For that reason I hope to keep the bar at the event open and have the band/DJ to entertain people until the wee hours.

Yes I’m willing to pay, but not too much. Think the Warlords of Pez are available and not too expensive? 🙂 Or that Orbital will reform for the event?

Fluffy links – October 25th 2006

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006

Denise Howell announces the “This Week in Law” podcast.

Via a quick comment from Marc is news that Russell Beattie has left Yahoo. His notebook doesn’t seem to be coming back though. Shame.

Can’t believe the dog survived.

Ice Cube is back. No no, not that one. Maybe we should call him Ice cub instead.

Top Gear play Darts:

In the same vein, launching a car off an 18 storey carpark into a river:

What’s going on?

Best of luck to Julian et al at the Bubble Brothers event

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

Hope everyone has fun at the big wine event tonight. I’ll be stuck in college learning the OJ defense. (This is slightly different to the Chewbacca Defense.)

Fluffy links Tuesday October 24th 2006

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

Fantastic time-lapse photo of a plane taking off. Or maybe it’s landing.

Another blog post you wouldn’t see from a politician. Again by Dominic Hannigan. Gotta love the bitchy comment someone left. (I don’t mean the spam) I still prefer the very honest and natural blog posts from politicians like Dominic, Ciaran, Seamus and Damien than other posts from other politicians. I’m even warming to certain posts by Joan now too.

How to create a Cylon Jack-O-Lantern. The new season of Battlestar rocks quite a bit. Lots of Iraq war undertones.

Conor has a quiz. The youth of today ask some very blunt questions don’t they?

Larry Lessig on the ethics of video sharing sites. As in the ability to truely share with some while others lock-in your content. Where’s the download button in YouTube for example?

Dotsy’s Complaint talks about the Joe Higgins Vs David McWilliams debate on the free market.

Bjork – Pleasure is All Mine. (Live) Remember that this song is done acapella

Tenacious D movie trailer. Starts slow but then goes deep into Jack Black livewire territory.

Stop the Carnage Week – Damien Blake wants to harness blogger power

Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Damien Blake has suggested bloggers have a “Stop the Carnage Week” this week where we share our ideas on what should be done to stop the constant deaths on our roads. Twenty has already started.

Damien suggests:

  • Write a post on your own blog
  • Tag it with ““, link to his post or add a comment with the link
  • If you don’t have a blog, you can comment here
  • Most importantly, we need your suggestions on how to improve things
  • I’ll prepare a report on the submissions, and forward it to the Minister, Taoiseach, Road Safety Authority, Insurance Federation and every member of the Oireachtas.

I’m sure people are sick of this talk about road safety already with every paper and radio station discussing it but if a blog post can make you even a slightly safer driver it could be the difference between life and death. Unlike a lot of those crappy memes going about, this is worthwhile. Also see the Road Deaths Map.

My own suggestions:

  • Courses like the “Ignition” course that Hibernian Insurance offers should be mandatory. It certainly made me a safer driver.
  • Driving Instructors need to pass certain criteria before they can teach.
  • Everyone should have to sit a certain number of driving lessons from qualified instructors.
  • If there isn’t a reasonable drop in road deaths of young people then speed restrictors/monitors should be added to their cars. A work colleague was telling me today of devices that can text parents to let them know their kids are speeding. Speed is fine for motorways, not for crappy roads that are in the majority of this country.

Fluffy links – October 23rd 2006

Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Via Conánn FitzPatrick

Via the blog is a Joe Duffy version of Sexy Back. Lyrics and song itself are on Bebo Bands.

I’m gonna shave me back (YEAH)
And then I’m gonna wax me sack and crack (YEAH)
I will be smoother than yer man 2pac (YEAH)
‘Cept I’m not dead and I am not black (YEAH)

Gift grub have accents closer to the real thing. Still good though.

Creative advertising.

Google fucks over Ze Frank. I think David not Goliath could win this one though. :Update before this is even published. Google backs down.

Leinster House bans blogs. Hmm. Just as politicians start getting into them.

The Art-O-Meter. Using science to measure the “artiness” of a piece of art.

Convert delicious bookmarks to Google bookmarks. Also staying on this topic. Find out how many of your delicious bookmarks are dead.

Via Tom Coates A fantastic way of using Moo Cards. Moognets.

Enviro blog Worldchanging is looking for bloggers.

Google Earth is going to have a new layer for congressional races in the U.S.

The Google Earth 2006 election resource tool indicates the country’s 436 congressional districts with stars on the popular 3D map of the country. Clicking on a star pops open a bubble window that has information on the candidates in that race.

Hmm, could Google Earth be used as a resource in this country I wonder?

Old Boy – Crazy Korean Cinema

Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Have seen this a few times already but here’s the trailer for Old Boy. Few years old now. Korean cinema is really kicking ass of late. Apparently there’s going to be a US remake with Nicholas Cage. God. Warning, movie contains over-the-top violence and fuckedupness.

Bloggers and blogging politicians on RTE tonight?

Sunday, October 22nd, 2006

The Week in Politics is on RTE at 2255 tonight and I think this will be the one that might have Dominic Hannigan from Labour and Cian from IrishElection on it. Tune in if you can.

Update: Apparently not. Hmm.

Damien Blake makes it into the Sunday Times

Sunday, October 22nd, 2006

“Scrap €52m e-voting system, says councillor” runs the headline. Breaking ranks it says too. Damien, you’re a rebel!

Nailbomb – Wasting Away

Friday, October 20th, 2006

Nailbomb was a side-project of Max from Sepultura and Alex Newport from Fudge Tunnel. They released two albums. A studio album called “Point Blank” and a goodbye world live album called “Proud to Commit Commercial Suicide” which was a fuck you to the record companies who wanted to make money from the band when all they wanted to do was have fun.