So the Marketing Pilgrim blog is offering a prize draw for anyone that subscribes to their blog and as the amount of subscribers increases, the prize gets better. Oddly though there only appear to be 7 blogs linking to the blog post itself. Or maybe 8 now. You’d think there’d be more. This I suppose is very like the old competitions to get people to sign up to newsletters though subscribing and unsubscribing to RSS is much easier and there’s no fear of getting further spammed.
Still I wonder is this a way of getting genuine subscribers? Regular readers who do not sub might sign up but I guess the barrier to entry for RSS subscribers is still high or they would have already signed-up. Maybe IE7 will start changing that along with other common applications that start incorporating RSS reading technology.
How would you try and increase the number of subscribers to your blog? I’m not sold on something gimmicky like winning an iPod. I have an icon or two on the sidebar telling people how they can subscribe. Should there be an option in every post? Or on the most popular posts? But then what is the need to have more RSS subscribers besides the ego boost of seeing x dozen people have to suffer your links to YouTube?