meWii Christmas for Nintendo?

As well as the Elmo, I want a Wii, possibly. Damn these look fun.

You can’t beat these free ads for the Nintendo Wii. A search on YouTube for Wii Sports brings back over 1400 videos.

Hicks try it out:

5 Responses to “meWii Christmas for Nintendo?”

  1. […] Again The Mulley comes up with the linky-goodness. […]

  2. James says:

    I was planning on getting one this Friday, but I didn’t pre-order so I cba going to the hassle of getting up really early/queueing/bribing people etc. Might get one after Christmas, the Zelda game looks good.

  3. Anthony says:

    Got one last Thursday night at the launch. *uber geek* 🙂 It’s tremendous fun and Zelda is an amazing game.

  4. Wiffy says:

    It’s proving difficult to get one, but I’ve put together some tips here –

  5. MeWii says:

    Zelda is the best game ever. 24h of a day isnt enough, need more hours.