You scare me Sharon

Seriously. 🙂 Thanks for the hello!

4 Responses to “You scare me Sharon”

  1. Gavin says:

    The Hook didn’t know what was going on!

  2. Hi Damien !

    Oh don’t be such a scaredy-cat : I think George got more of a fright !

    It was at least a wee bit of publicity for the Blog Awards [….although ‘1169..’ did get a mention , as well!] and should guarantee you a sympathetic shoulder from every female in the house on March 3rd – “Oh poor Damien – we must protect you from that nasty Sharon one…” !
    It could yet turn out to be a ‘profitable’ stalking episode for you , Mulley !
    ….and no – I don’t look like Glenn Close [’cause I don’t take a bath . I shower…!]

    ‘Bye ,

    Sharon .

  3. Damien says:

    Yeah, I think he thought I was serious about the stalker bit. He must have been trying to find the big red button under his notes. Glad to know that Mr. Hook has his research done and comes to the job prepared. Unlike some other people in the media…

  4. Hi again , Damien !

    ” Yeah, I think he thought I was serious about the stalker bit. ”
    Had you not been live on air , he might have enquired as to where he could get one of those… !

    ” He must have been trying to find the big red button under his notes. ”
    …surely a star like George has ‘people’ to do that for him !

    ” Glad to know that Mr. Hook has his research done and comes to the job prepared. Unlike some other people in the media…”
    At least he knew what a blog was .
    Didn’t he…. ?

    ‘Bye ,

    Sharon .