Fluffy Links – Wednesday January 31st 2007

Flowers Made Easy have a bebo page.

Nostalgia links from Mick.

I did not choke. See.

Mobile providers not making as much. My heart bleeds.

Meanwhile the French Regulator has a pair and fights in Court to fine France Telecom a heap of money. Unlike the Poodle who capitulates and settles most cases on the steps of the Court. Or as the recent case was, they let eircom off with gross abuse of data AND agree not to find eircom at fault. What bollox.

I will never use it. But I want one. Simpsons Donut Maker.

No Wow with Vista despite the marketing.

Trolley fun.

Micheál it might not affect your reality but it reflects the reality of 350 bloody people in Cork.

Two projects I’m working on are because of ideas in the shower. I agree with Robin, I do think showers are like meditating. Only time I am away from all my distractions. I wonder are there are a lot of “entrepreneurs” like that.

And they call it pocket love. Levi’s sues over pocket design.

There’s tough bastards and there’s Sir Ranulph Fiennes. Cutting off yer own fingers. Damn.

9 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Wednesday January 31st 2007”

  1. […] Slang Trolley Fun Via Damien. […]

  2. alan says:

    The new RTE website apparently have a clip on the shop playing in their little video box on the main page of the Prime Time discussion, but I can never get those damn video boxes to work without an error, so I’m not sure much you feature. At least you got a name check though.

  3. lol.. it’s true. We’re fecked once waterproof PDA’s come mainstream.

    I’m thinking “showerdeas.com”

  4. also… must mention the good job by Eamonn Grant on Flowers Made Easy.

  5. Twenty Major says:

    Matt Cooper is a fucking slut.

  6. julian says:

    Wot no link to Sir Ranulph autodedigitizing? Not that you didn’t give us quite enough information.

  7. Wouter says:

    Fair play to ye Damien, keep it up!

  8. Dang, missed you on prime time!

    Showers are brilliant for inspiration! Definitely one of my top sources. Plus i’ve had some serious inspiration on neurofen and solpadeine – the pain dulls, the bliss spreads and ideas start flowing….

  9. Eamonn says:

    Thanks for the link to the bebo page Damien. If you ever need to order flowers go to http://www.flowersmadeeasy.ie