They Bif, they sniff, they bif and sniff and Bif. Bif Bif Bif, sniff sniff sniff. The er Bifsniff blog. But this is now the new home of the Bif.
They seek him here, they seek him there. He’s leaving on a jet plane. He would walk one thousand miles. Off The Meatrack however is not a travel blog. Odd so, no?
Letters. From the idiot. See, I’m thinking Sesame Street with someone dressed as a court jester going through the alphabet. How wrong was I? Bang on the money actually. Maybe. No, not at all.
We lost all contact with the Edenweb blog on February 14th. Coincidence we think not. There’s been an old wives tale about a midget with wings going around assasinating innocents on that particular day every year and they leave a rose for every victim. Be scared. Not very, maybe slightly, scared.
Should you need a link and nobody else can help, maybe you should ask for some link love?