There isn’t a prize for coming up with the best expletive. Sorry.
This entry was posted
on Sunday, April 29th, 2007 at 8:37 pm and is filed under blogs, irishblogs, politics.
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The first politician who displays their wordpress.com url on their election sign gets a free plug on my blog 🙂
man you’re easily bought Donncha…
Genius my hole. It’s different I’ll grant you, but it’s a far stretch from genius.
I wouldn’t mind, but both ericbyrne.net and ericbyrne.ie are available. First to register them gets a free plug on my blog.
Yeah why woudn’t he just buy the .ie and have it re-direct? Weird
Very clever use of poster, better than a naff picture any day.
Treasa – well Damien blogged this poster and it’s only a blogspot blog! I have standards!
What’s wrong with blogspot blogs, then? 🙂