Guardian rectify attack piece on me

Jemima Kiss from the Guardian has gotten back to me about the attack piece on me in her Organ Grinder Column. She has now rectified (at the end of her piece) the misrepresentation that I said “fuck off” to content labels. I also asked that the piece link to what I actually stated, since she linked to a blog post where Paul Walsh argued against what I said. It would only seem right in terms of balance. Glad that has happened. Apparently this could have been resolved sooner had it not been for Jemima being away from the office and apparently because of my agressive attitude to this. Glad this is sorted.

I guess everyone is in a rush sometimes but it is sad that someone doesn’t check their facts. Though since her piece where she quotes Paul quoting me was the 6th Organ Grinder in the past few months where she quoted him, she obviously considers him beyond error. But one must always double-check sources, right?

2 Responses to “Guardian rectify attack piece on me”

  1. With more bloggers getting a ‘following’/fan-club and some even ‘god’-like a lot of what they write becomes ‘set in stone’ (at least to the followers).

    Double checking of facts n such like is a cornerstone of the journalism world (or at least used 2b) but not in the blogsphere. Its unusual when u c someone actually putting a caveat on a statement regd. ‘fact checking’ …

    Also its a lot easier in the blogsphere 2 have ‘angry’ rants and just fire off replys that are later regretted. As some wise soul suggested – type up your note, don’t sent, go away and come back in 5 mins and c if all u wrote still applies, if so then view if from your “mothers eyes” and c if she’d be happy if u’d published it….


  2. Twenty Major says:

    Or maybe you could spend that five minutes learning how to type words like ‘you’, ‘see’ and ‘to’ so you don’t look like a teenage half-wit.