I’m pleased to announce that Sublime Wines would like to offer readers of this blog the opportunity to review the wines from their collection. The idea is that they’ll send out bottles to people every two weeks and in return those people will write a review of the wine. Now, this is not like those sinister pay per post blog things where people are paid to write positive reviews. Mark and the others in Sublime Wine want your genuine opinions of their product. Naturally there are terms and conditions, the most important one being you have to be over 18 to take part in this. You must do a review and allow the review to be displayed on this blog and also have it on your own blog. (More conditions at end of post) In fact, I’d suggest using LouderVoice.com to do your review, which will also post it on your blog. For now, bloggers will take precedent but over time we’ll be asking non-bloggers too and they can definitely use LouderVoice to publish their review.
Here’s the intro from Mark:
Sublime Wines is the online equivalent of the best wine shop you know. We have a selection of wines from all over the world – hand picked by Mary Gaynor, one of Irelands’ foremost wine experts – and a woman who knows that wine is meant to be simple and fun. There are great value wines available – and the delight of exciting discoveries from small, specialist artisan winemakers.
As Ireland’s premier online wine site Sublime Wines are delighted to sponsor this new wine tasting section on Damien’s excellent blog. We are looking for wine lovers to review our wines – and will be needing two new volunteers per fortnight – no experience necessary – in fact we would prefer that you didn’t have any!
In return we would like you to write a review within 10 days that is honest but also entertaining – where would you drink it? with who? what might that lead to?? Be imaginative but not too filthy!! We will be offering wines for review from 8.50 to 50 euro so you will have to bear cost in mind too.
And finally please visit the site, have a tour around and buy if you like what you see – our wines are genuinely great value. And please, please also tell your friends about us – we need the word to spread!!
The first wine Sublime Wines would like you to review is:
Dehesa de Rubiales – Alaia 2004
Many wine experts see Spain as the ‘next big thing’. This gem, made from the classic Tempranillo grape along with the little known Spanish varietal Prieto Picudo punches way above it’s price.
Terms of this Review Offer:
You must be over 18 as already stressed.
Email damien < at > mulley.net with the subject “Wine Review” if you want to take part and include your blog address.
When you do the review, please link to the wine on the Sublime Wine website.
Please be honest in your review and have fun doing the review.
Send the review to me and I’ll post it here along with the other review, then post it on your blog too, once published here.
If you are not picked initially, your name will still be on the list and we’ll hopefully get around to you and everyone else, this is a long-term project so be patient.
*Update* Just to clarify, this is not saying everyone who applies will get a bottle, but Sublime Wines will try their best to give wine to as many people as they can but two people will get a bottle of the same wine, meaning at some stage all their catalog will have been sent out.