Science Week Ireland blogging competition Day 2 – “What invention do you want to see most in the future?”

Another day, another Wii. Yesterday saw a load of entries and they’re all worth reading. Some of them are dripping with nostalgia and brought back a lot of old memories.

Today the question posed is “What invention do you want to see most in the future?”.

Already out of the blocks early this morning is Roosta with Giant Fighting Robots.

Daragh – Star Trek-like Transporters.

Simon wants room temp superconductors.

Gerry wants Rocket backpacks.

Kevin wants a Provigil prescription.

Darran wants free energy. Not love. Well. Maybe…

Rumble Strips wants calorie killers and self-cleaning houses.

Treasa wants a Bueqonit.

Liam wants a DNA analyser/fixer.

David wants a hyper-book.

Brian wants a big bloody feat of technology engineering, not something namby-pamby. Right on!

Red Mum wants a transporter.

Bernie wants a CarSynch.

Raptured Ponies want Super Strings.

Johnny K says he wants a product that will guarantee healthy teeth and gums.

Joe wants an ultracheap data plan for world travel.

Conor says a medical diagnostic machine.

Joe says a landmine detector.

Adam says wireless electricity.

And since people keep asking me, not the Science Week people, prizes are awarded next week after all the postings.

17 Responses to “Science Week Ireland blogging competition Day 2 – “What invention do you want to see most in the future?””

  1. […] I will not make the same mistake twice. Today’s question is “What invention would you like to see most in the future?“. […]

  2. Daragh O Brien says:

    My entry for today…

    And interestingly it might make some commuters available for the time management programme researcher.

  3. Kevin says:

    Mine’s up, too.

  4. […] Damien is putting together a full list of each day – have a read of some of the other entries for what people are looking forward to in the future!! […]

  5. Dave. says:

    Sure stick meself up there and all so 🙂

  6. Brian says:

    Just like school homework, left it to the last minute. Sorry Mr. Mulley.

  7. Darran says:

    Darran not Daran 😉

  8. […] Day 2 of the science week ireland blogging thing and the question is “What invention do you want to see most in the future?” […]

  9. Will says:

    Quick question, are we meant to be telling you, or are we meant to be linking to each others posts? If it’s the latter… who is collecting the posts/links?

  10. Most Desired Invention Is A Carsync…

    SCIENCE WEEK IRELAND asks, “What invention would you like to see most in the future?” I want my car to sync to my house and my workplace. (I don’t want a sink in my car, as one of the students attending Science Week Ireland thought.) When I’m at h…

  11. […] the good people at Science Week want to consider this as an entry for both today’s and yesterday’s competition then they’re more than welcome to do […]

  12. Johnny K says:

    Trackback didn’t seem to work. My answer is here.

  13. Johnny K says:

    Oops linked to wrong question.

    Question 2 answered