Blog Awards 2008 – Nominations have started

Start your engines.

New nomination system, new judging system and a restriction on the number of categories you can be nominated in. This means there’s more chance for smaller blogs to get through and combined with no public vote this year, it means it’s not a popularity contest that gets you to the second round. So, to be clear, all nominated blogs will get judged in round 1 and whittled down and some will go forward to round 2 where the judging gets a lot tougher. Good luck!

7 Responses to “Blog Awards 2008 – Nominations have started”

  1. Closing date for nominations?

  2. Niall says:

    I presume we don’t have to give a nomination in *every* category… ?

  3. Phil O'Kane says:

    Oh yeah – that time of year once again. It’s so exciting.

  4. manuel says:

    What a wonderful post by a wonderful man….and charming and attractive too… this working at all?

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  6. […] forgot to mention this but over the Christmas break Damien announcednominations for the Irish Blog Awards 2008 were open. I attended the inaugural ceremony two years ago and it was great craic. There’s a slight […]