Broadband lobby group – Barry wants one started

So Barry, frequent visitor to this blog has posted a thread on the old IrelandOffline forum looking for interested people who want to campaign to get the rest of the country broadband. I won’t be involved, just so we’re clear. Ive done my time and it’s about time that all those people who get on to me on an almost daily basis still and say “someone should do something” should themselves be that someone. So Barry is doing just that but he needs the help of others too. With the recent attitude from Lying Eamon Ryan, there is a definite need for some kind of lobby group and Shane Ross can’t be left to be the only person fighting for broadband, he needs others to row in too. So get over to IrelandOffline’s forum or if you don’t want to join (whyonearthnot?) leave a comment here and Barry can respond.

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Photo owned by akaalias

As an example of the sheer bad attitude from Eamon Ryan and the Government, here’s a short clipping from the Sunday Times

John McElligott, the managing director of eBay in Ireland, has called on the minister to take a “quantum leap” by investing in NGNs, bringing Irish broadband speeds closer to the 100 megabits per second (Mbits/s) enjoyed in some countries. Irish download speeds for residential broadband users are a maximum of 12 Mbit/s. Most of the country operates on speeds of 1-2 Mbit/s. Ryan said McElligott was “right to be ambitious”, but questioned his thinking. “John runs eBay. When he starts running a construction company, he can advise me on digging holes to every home in the country,” Ryan said.

Cos Ryan clearly has a PhD in telecoms and broadband…

8 Responses to “Broadband lobby group – Barry wants one started”

  1. Piaras Kelly says:

    Sunday Times article today seems to indicate that a number of businesses are going to get together and lobby Ryan – multinationals like eBay and indigenous companies like said to be involved.

  2. Damien says:

    I think Shane Ross left the cat out of the bag on Prime Time. 🙂

  3. […] where does that leave us?  Fucked, that’s where.  Fucked because we won’t be able to take advantage of any […]

  4. John says:

    Quote from Barry on boards

    “I am, as I’ve said elsewhere, willing to participate in any such creation, but my time and geographic availability (I spend a lot of time out of Ireland) would prevent me from being the ‘founder’ Is there anybody out there who would be willing to get it up and running?”


    Deja Vu, loads of people will say yeay, great etc, but the proof is in the pudding. Who will actually devote the time effort and energy.

    I’m not holding my breath, been there got the t-shirt, officially jaded 🙂

    But I’ll keep my mouth shut and wait.


  5. Mark says:

    why dig holes when it could be beamed point to point?



  6. netwhizkid says:

    I fully support and back IrelandOffline II and have read the thread on, if I can do anything I will, however I cannot post on as I am banned and I am not going to re-register as my ban will expire in April 2009 and I wish to serve my ban sentence and rejoin then.

  7. barry says:

    Apropos John above, a mailing list was set up as a result of my message and about a dozen people are on it, there are a load of ideas rolling around as to what to do, so there…. Not sure if John is one of the participants…..I doubt it.

    I have been offline for a week or so, but my presence or absence wasn’t important, being willing is what counts….

    Bye, Barry