The finalists lists are out for the Blog Awards, bringing the high number of shortlisted for Best Blog, Best Photo Blog, Most Humourous Post and Best Blog Post down to a manageable number.
Events in and around the Awards.
Love Rob’s post on wrestling fans in Ireland wearing their masks in public.
Rick O’Shea (not his real name, real name is Robin Banks) now has a Facebook fan page.
Anyone willing to dog sit in Cork this weekend?
Arseblog was six yesterday. Have you seen their stats? Jesus. 750,000+ comments!
In case you missed it, this is how far Fine Gael apologists will go to defend the actions of their friends – threaten to sue and then deny it. Lacking testicular fortitude aren’t we?
Paul Walsh is taking applications from Irish CEOs and companies to come to his Top Cats event. Mix with the UK digerati.
Speaking of Paul, Jessi would rather not have been listening to him.
It’s easy to forget being handed 5 grand by a developer.
Bodysong – Jonny Greenwood
hmmm don’t like getting the fluffy’s before I go to bed. Do I need to go to bed earlier or do you need to publish them later
I love Arseblog. Mr. Arseblogger is a complete and utter ledgebag. I also love lamp but that’s for another day.