Fluffy Links – April 3rd 2008

All the recent RickRolling has gotten Curly K nostalgic. Well it could be called pissed off with me but we’ll collectively delude ourselves and call it nostalgic.

13 year old kid wearing a bullet-proof vest caught joyriding in Limerick. If he can drive and dodge bullets then he can join the army. Draft him.

Elly is celebrating her birthday and having a send-off party for Bertie. Do go along.

So they want to honour George Bush by naming a public facility after him. A sewerage treatment plant?

I think you might be the last person in Ireland if you haven’t seen this job advert.

Amazon launches SMS buying. Why has this not happened in Ireland (apart from DownloadMusic.ie)? We’re a nation of texters.

Sky falling sky falling. Piracy is going to make authors stop writing. What if they write maritime fiction? Yarrr.

The new sterling coins are genius. Sheer genius.

Principles of innovation from a Googler. Great points.

Via the Helevetica Blog a vid on the Gotham typeface:

6 Responses to “Fluffy Links – April 3rd 2008”

  1. Dave says:

    Maybe they should have held on to that kid for a wee while longer :S


  2. Damien says:

    Jesus Christ.

  3. Trinity says:

    oh I was just about to tell you that that 13 year old kid was the same one that went on a gun spree several hours after the Gardai released him! but I see Dave above beat me to it 🙂 You gota love Limerick!

  4. Niall O'K says:

    Those coins certainly do look excellent. Great designs!

    Guess they’re still not planning on Euro-ising themselves any time soon…

  5. […] Mulley and Michele have mentioned it already. […]