Fluffy Links – Monday April 14th 2008

I really like Adam’s post here on the Young Fine Gael’s attitude to their Lisbon campaign and those of Rock the Vote.

Via Ciarán Cuffe, the Green Party’s 12 green steps blog. Not those 12 steps, though am sure they might have other 12 step plans over the next few years, like how to redeem their good name. Despite being one of the core people in the Green Party, he’s still my favourite blogging politician due to his enthusiasm for the medium, including playing with videos and the fact that he appears to be so transparent. His Wow blog post is still the best one about Bertie’s resignation.

Congrats to Keithy the sweety for the Failte Ireland gig. He’ll be involved in a combination of e-business training and mentoring for FI’s clients.

Help Joe Garde write some copy and win money.

New Irish satire blog.

The House of Lords are now blogging. Shark jump.

The googlebot is now filling in web forms in order to see what’s behind them? Interesting. Paranoia time.

Hope for those with Alzheimer’s?

Wordpess vunerable again? And again.

The hosting industry is well established but mature? (Check out the comments)

Like airplanes? Low flying ones?

and from another vantage point:

We’re heading to venus venus venus, the Final Countdown on cellos:

3 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Monday April 14th 2008”

  1. […] Damien and his fluffy links. #arkayne { clear: both; }_title_font = ‘arial’;_title_color = […]

  2. Brian Greene says:

    I’m sure googlebot was sitting beside me on a low pay airline flight, scary.