Fluffy Links – Monday May 12th 2008

Dermot Ahern, our Minister for Justice wanted the gays to be kept criminalised for their own good a few years back. Will he change his mind now?

Dominic Hannigan meets with Ming’s dad. Nice belt buckle.

How to sell social media to old bosses.

Via Emmet, the online marketing games for Batman go offline too.

Another Labour councillor with a blog, this time Michael O’Donovan. On catpissspot. WordPress multiuser on the main Labour site, no?

What do Americans spend their money on?

Twitter is a blah magnet making the quality of blogging better?

Fantastic mixtape from Nialler, all summery.

Pink boat anyone? Plonked in the middle of a garden show?

A very detailed article about the Gold Farmers for World of Warcraft and other online games.

Flickr user has their stuff nicked by a local TV station, makes noise, TV station makes on-air apology.

15 great examples of Web typography.

The 3 hour journey from Westport to Dublin, done in ten mins:

Sad Kermit singing creep:

8 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Monday May 12th 2008”

  1. Darragh says:

    i do so wish you wouldn’t refer to it as catpisspot. 😉 It ain’t much admittedly but for a lot of people it’s all they have (heard of or find easy enough to use) and surely any blog (cat related or no) is better to improve your communication channels than no blog at all? (that’s my story, i’m stikken to it)

  2. emordino says:

    I’ve been getting phone calls from Jim Gordon for a while now. Also what appears to be a Harvey Dent smear campaign. Scoundrels.

    Kermit hurt himself today.

  3. robert says:

    That video from Westport to Dublin is oddly fascinating. However the guy who made it should have known better than to show himself overtaking on solid white lines! His YouTube page offers a chance to contact him for the HD version!

  4. stretchneil says:

    Loved the Trib referencing you as blog-overlord yesterday!

  5. Here’s another great post on typography from Smashing magazine. I adore the CMYK one:

  6. Alexia Golez says:

    C’mon Darragh. Blogspot is a truly awful blog hosting environment. Given the choice between Blogspot and carving my posts on out on my flesh, I’d pick mutilation every time. WordPress.com (whilst I still have major issues with it) is a much better proposition. More customisable.

  7. steve white says:

    how about a canal bank walk in ten minutes

  8. […] given out when people set their blog up on blogspot, which I call catpissspot. I’ve given out when people dress lies up as advertising and I’m constantly giving out […]