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Deputy Enda Kenny asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the names, titles and annual salaries of each of the political advisers, press officers, assistants or other staff appointed by him; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28162/07]

Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (Deputy Eamon Ryan): The names, titles, and annual salaries of each of the political advisors, press officers, assistants or other staff appointed by me are as follows:

Mr … Special Adviser Principal Officer (Higher) salary scale (modified PRSI) €88,261(min) to €102,305 (max)
Ms … Press Adviser Principal Officer (Standard) salary scale (modified PRSI) €82,016 (min) to €95,363 (max)
Ms … Political Adviser/Coordinator with Minister of State Mr Tony Killeen, T.D. Principal Officer (Standard) salary scale (modified PRSI) €82,016 (min) to €95,363 (max)
Ms … Personal Assistant HEO salary scale (modified PRSI) €44,314 (min) to €52,379 (max)
Ms … Personal Secretary Secretarial Assistant salary scale €22,064 (min) to €41,019 (max)

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