New Blogs:
Trust Tommy.
Ant Galvin’s blog.
Well finally, Sligo Today launched and they’re getting thousands of hits a day. Yeah, take that.
Heard Gerry O’Beirne on Pearl’s show on Phantom. No way will I pay $17.50 for a cd these days. or $15.50 for a digital download. Sorry.
Ben on his Mobile Me package.
XP on the OLPC seems to be shit.
Meanwhile some people think Vista rocks when told it’s not Vista. Hmm.
I’m a cynic but Obama would have known this would happen.
Dexter season 3. Yawn.
Sorry to disagree, but I have to say “Dexter Season 3. Yay!”
Its one of the few shows I enjoy.. Dexter Season 3. Yay +1
Cheers for the fluffy link goodness. Thankyakindlysir.