Fluffy links back tomorrow and all that.
Archive for August, 2008
Back in a bit
Wednesday, August 6th, 2008ISPAI – Join our union or else you’re not against stopping child porn
Tuesday, August 5th, 2008Sensationalist headline from the Tribune this Sunday: Internet providers refuse to fund web sex abuse hotline. So have you stopped beating your wife then? That’s pretty much the same line.
The line from the article is child pornography is online and without Digiweb, Magnet, Hosting 365, Leap et al paying fees to the ISP Association of Ireland who run Hotline.ie, child porn is going to run rampant because Hotline won’t be able to keep going. Think of the children!
among the well-known companies which are not members of the Internet Service Providers’ Association of Ireland (ISPAI) – and by extension are not financially supporting its Hotline.ie service – are Digiweb, Magnet, Hosting 365, Smart Telecom and Lastmile.ie
By extension? So by extension Texaco are not in the ISPAI so they too REFUSE to fund the war on child porn?
Isn’t it odd that they can’t support Hotline.ie on it’s own but have to buy into the ISP Association if they did decide to voluntarily help in the reporting of child pornography online? Can other companies give financial support to Hotline.ie?
Why is an industry-run group tasked with logging reports about child pornography online? Well apparently our poor Gardai have enough to be doing, besides, you know, watching out for serious things like Child Pornography:
Paul Durrant, general manager of the ISPAI, told the Sunday Tribune the current approach, whereby members of the public can report suspect internet content to Hotline.ie, had been agreed after high-level discussions between the relevant authorities 10 years ago.
“If there is no hotline there, where are the public going to report to? Their local garda station, who have 101 things to do?” he added.
So maybe we let Toyota, Ford and Irish Toll Roads Ltd run an organisation that patrols our roads for people that commit serious crimes there? Same logic right?
Were I Digiweb and Magnet and Hosting 365 I’d be phoning my solicitor over the way they got painted in that article. I also think were the Government to actually try and regulate this they’d get a kicking in the Courts for forcing a company to pay dues to a “voluntary” organisation. We’re not obliged to join a union as individuals, why should a company be strong-armed into joining a business union? If the Government is going to fund Hotline.ie then do. Enough of threatening businesses to join a voluntary org, only part of which deals with fighting child porn.
If the Government really gave a damn about Hotline.ie wouldn’t they be funding it?
Fluffy Links – Tuesday August 5th 2008
Tuesday, August 5th, 2008Will has a great idea about going pink.
Dear Paul Street Car Park. I’m coming for you.
The latest On the Record Muxtape is brilliant. Really love the cover of The Knife.
New site: Arts and Crafts of Ireland.
Why Powerpoint just doesn’t cut it for presentations.
The O2 sale where prices go up. A lot. Ooops.
So, what have you stolen?
Slash and Perry Farrell play a concert for kids. Wow. Though they played Jane Says. But the kids don’t know what it’s about.
My Drive Thru, a song sponsored by Converse:
Fluffy Links – Bank Holiday Monday August 4th 2008
Monday, August 4th, 2008There’s a meetup in Ballincollig in Cork on the 7th for those who are applying to seedcorn/seedcamp.
Let’s have some foodie fun.
Via Irish Craft Update – Brownie Points, gift ideas for men to buy their women. Site needs a better design, but great idea.
New blog: I saw this.
Sinéad says we should volunteer for science. So maybe do.
Nialler finds a very odd anti-smoking site.
Why Microsoft’s Mojave experiment proving people really do like Vista is just bollox. Good marketing stunt though.
A very interesting idea. Idiots who call 999 have their idiocy stuck up on YouTube.
A neat way of visualing social networks … using Excel
MGMT – Kids
Fly me to the moon. Sideways. Also on Robert’s blog:
dbTwanged – Business Post coverage of guitarist’s social network
Sunday, August 3rd, 2008Congrats to dbTwang featuring in the Sunday Business Post today. Our own Keith is the CEO of it and they’re brought in Gerry McQuaid, formerly of O2 to be on board too.
Review of Tom Waits Glitter and Doom Tour – Dublin August 1st 2008
Saturday, August 2nd, 2008
As we got to our seats we knew we were going to have a great experience being just four rows from Tom, dead centre. You can’t really beat that. Being able to actually read the setlist on stage (well if I wore my glasses) showed how close we were to this odd and enigmatic man.
This was the final night of the Glitter and Doom tour and Tom didn’t want to leave the stage it seems. He belted on, full of energy for two and a half, nearly three hours, creating mini dust storms as he went. The sound was excellent, his throaty voice was er throaty. The band were simply amazing especially the guy that played the sax (two at the same time). Great guitarist too. Waits also has two of his sons in the band with him.
Tom is great with a crowd, playing and feeding off them and the crowd adored every single thing he did. Half the audience will be trying to buy his style of hat today, no doubt. I won’t go into the music because I only knew half of his songs but I think he pleased everyone with them.
Fantastic organisation too for the gig too. Putting it down as the best gigs I’ve seen this year. Better than Bruce, sorry Bruce. For me it was on a par with Odin’s Ravens’ Magic by Sigur Ros in Paris.
Tonnes of bloggers were there too so I expect we’ll see a good few reviews. Maybe Ciarán will have one too?
Update for pics (shit ones from iPhone):
Tom singing “Down in the hole” for The Wire fans:
Tom singing “Tom Traubert’s Blues”:
Tom singing er something:
Recruit Ireland understand Web 2.blah
Friday, August 1st, 2008Well done to Recruit Ireland who seem to have an understanding about how the 2008 web is working.
Not only are they doing RSS job feeds but they also have a Twitter profile and have an application for Facebook allowing people to search for jobs. They also have a Bebo profile, though no job search app on that just yet.
I’m most impressed with the Twitter profile because they’re using it in the best way it can be used.
It’s not broadcast. It’s interacting with people and has a person behind it. Too many people don’t realise that “social media” brings back most value when there’s a personality and a friendly manner. Blogs work best when it’s a person writing and interacting with people leaving comments though it could just be used to house press releases, Facebook could be used for a bland profile but it becomes more valuable when those connected to you get some banter back and likewise with Twitter, you can just use it to link to new blog posts (and this can be automated) or you can use it to interact and immerse with people.
See, the more human you make your business interactions with other humans the more value it has. That’s how social media works best. It’s harder work though, maybe that’s why so many companies take shortcuts and screw it all up? It’s great to see Recruit ireland become human. Their blog must be just around the corner so. 🙂
New Nooked and New stuff
Friday, August 1st, 2008Nooked‘s website has been redone and they’ve launched a load of feed commerce website widgets. Feed commerce is a bit like VRM in that you control your shopping experience more by saying what you want and at what price and the offers come to you.
But Nooked allows you to display shopping widgets on your website, blog and social network profiles, the content of which you decide on and if your friends/visitors buy something, you get a cut. So you can have your own “Editor’s picks”. Be great if Google could offer the same for their not so great or relevant ads on their content network.
Right now they’re looking for UK based people to try this out as that’s where most of their partners are from. Hopefully they’ll expand into other areas and countries. Well done Fergus et al for this.
Fluffy Links – Friday August 1st 2008
Friday, August 1st, 2008New Irish music blog. Guess List.
IIA Online Marketing Course on Oct 7th on Limerick. I’m gonna go. Tis free.
Neil Gaiman is going to Dublin. I. Have. To. be. There.
It’s not content until it’s linked.
Ooooh yes. From the guy that brought us Helvetica is his new movie Objectified. Still being filmed but looks like one Jonathan Ive was interviewed.
The Superficial is a cheap and tacky gossip site. And I love it. Another indulgence of mine. This is a typical headline: Amy Winehouse hospitalized again, had a ‘reaction’ to her medication (Read: Crack + Methadone do not a good sandwich make.)
If you’ve seen Dr. Horrible, here is the real iPhone app that the Dr. uses for taking over a van.
Gordon shows how that Facebook advertising works.
Yeah, the shaky fight bits in the Dark Knight were annoying.
This is the short movie shown before Wall-E. I wanted to cut the rabbit’s head off. Annoying thing. It’s a bit too repetitive too.
Levi’s go a little gay: