Fluffy Links – Monday September 8th 2008

Slowly catching up after a long weekend in Belfast so here’s some fluffy links. A short list.

Another fine episode of Post the Roast is now online.

Hello Charlie Weston.

Irish Government news/information feeds.

Jim moves to a Thursday evening slot, hosting the Producers. Hmm, I dunno. I liked the Saturday mix when I got to hear it. The Producers has a different remit but it will be nice to see Jim’s influence on this show at the same time.

Yeah, I agree with the Popester. Metro staff are really really nice.

New FBD website.

Not a happy bunny that Kraftwerk has been moved.

A Jumbo jet turned into a hostel. Want to stay there.

How to cheat at everything.

7 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Monday September 8th 2008”

  1. Moneymate says:

    Has CW been threatening you too?

  2. Thanks for the mention Damien.

    BTW, what’s the etiquette for leaving your personal/company name on a comment? I see Michele isn’t happy if you don’t leave your real name (http://twitter.com/micheleneylon/statuses/913858787).

  3. Damien says:

    Well I think there are a few ways people won’t trust a company and one is in comments where they leave just their company name. People or spam bots leave comments. People are trusted.

    Ideally leaving your christian name and surname is good but just a christian name can work too. I would think it is mandatory then to have the link as your employer’s website. Your employer needs to be mentioned somewhere if you are engaging on their behalf.

    Also, see, we bloggers are used to some thick business people leaving their company name which is nothing more than keywords for their business. When Best Cake Company Cork leaves a comment, it’s going to be blowtorched. If you just signed as FBD, that’s just as impersonal as the press release or newsletter sent out. Bit cold like.

  4. That all makes sense. I guess people can sometimes forget that this is ultimately a personal space and that the owners expect to be treated with respect. I don’t think I’ve left too many keywords here, much to the chagrin of our SEO guy 🙂

  5. Richard says:

    FBD.ie looks good. Used their online contact form to tell them about http://fbd.ie/

    Not good 🙁

    Wonder who did the site? Looks like they considered SEO from the get-go which is a great thing to see.

  6. Thanks for the feedback Richard. We have the fbd.ie thing in hand and that form is also being revised. The SEO was done internally – it’s both a science and an art…

  7. Hey Brendan

    From my quick look through it seems you guys did a good job – well done.

    Hopefully you also got the form I submitted?

    Re: seo being a “science and an art” – wait until you get into the real work, then you’ll see it’s also a religion and a crap-shoot 🙂