Fluffy Links – Tuesday October 21st 2008

The new and young kids on the blogging block have new domains.
Tommy, Alan and Enda are now all domained up.

Conor is nice about it, I won’t be. No fucking sales pitches at Barcamp. Whore your shit somewhere else. We want people to contribute to overall learning. Buy a paying slot at a conference if that doesn’t suit.

Rummble at FOWA. Our very own Ina is part of the Rummble crew now. So you know, ALL of them can play for Ireland now. Love the giant letters.

New Irish blog (new to me) Peas be with you.

Stu has Arnold. Remixed. Just er, listen.

Who was that white guy on the podium when the Olympians made their Black Panther salute?

Free Linux training notes.

I want a Memory Cloud for the next Web Awards. Deffo.

For all your movie streaming needs – Pirate City.

So Firewire is dead yeah?

Loving these wine bottles. Great design. And these are even better in my view.

Bjork -All IS Full Of Love (Live in Riverside Church NY)

8 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Tuesday October 21st 2008”

  1. Timmah says:

    Humphreys wrote a great piece about Peter Norman a few months ago…

  2. Colm says:

    Saw the Rummble guys at FOWA, quite cool promo.

    Actually Andrew Scott (the guys who runs the company) was supposed to come in and speak to us in Conchango at one of our Friday meetings. I heard he only cancelled when he heard that Damien Mulley had spoken before and was too intimidated.

  3. Damien says:

    Someone is doing their best to win the Brophy Trophy…

  4. Tommy says:

    Thanks for the link man! 🙂

    Showed Dad those wine bottles, very unusual!

  5. Colm says:

    I didn’t think i was eligible

  6. Woo, I got linkage! Thanks! =]

  7. @Colm
    Actually it was something far crapper than that – I’d got back from San Francisco that morning went straight to the office, was focus group testing all day and forgot about the meeting completely -my phone was upstairs. Shocking form on my part.

    If they invite me back I’ll happily pitch in whoever they put me in front of …joking of course Damien 😉