I’d started off writing a blog post about how I thought Dan Boyle was a cunt for voting against Shane Ross’s broadband bill. I’ve slightly softened my stand after reading the transcripts of the debate. Dan has so far proved himself to be a massive apologist for everything the Government has done of late including fucking over pensioners.
(If Dan Boyle decides to seek re-election in Cork South Central I’ll probably do my level best to make sure he doesn’t get enough votes to get in, even if I have to go through a lot of personal finances to do so. I got burned once by the lieing Green Party, I’d hope to make sure others are aware of the lengths they’ll go to in order to inflate their egos about being part of the Government.)
Anyways, on to Shane Ross’s valiant attempt at his broadband bill. Shot down by the following people by the way, if you want to visit them and complain, this is who they are, a lame email won’t be enough I should think. Visit them.:
Boyle, Dan.
Brady, Martin.
Butler, Larry.
Callely, Ivor.
Carty, John.
Cassidy, Donie.
Corrigan, Maria.
Daly, Mark.
de Búrca, Déirdre.
Ellis, John.
Feeney, Geraldine.
Glynn, Camillus.
Hanafin, John.
Leyden, Terry.
MacSharry, Marc.
McDonald, Lisa.
Ó Domhnaill, Brian.
Ó Murchú, Labhrás.
O’Brien, Francis.
O’Donovan, Denis
O’Malley, Fiona.
O’Sullivan, Ned.
Ormonde, Ann.
Phelan, Kieran.
Walsh, Jim.
White, Mary M.
Wilson, Diarmuid.
So Dan gets up and backs up Eamon Ryan, you know, the guy that lies about how good things are when it comes to broadband. Just like the crazies in his Department.
While I think it’s really shitty to stand up and shout down a bill that was doing good, Dan was constructive at times and living on planet WTF at other times such as:
The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources is sufficiently energised in pointing his Department in the right direction in fulfilling this policy goal. He has enough commitment and knowledge of the subject to ensure the goals are met. It is not facetious to say that he knows in computing terms the plural of “mouse” is “mouses”. He is the one Cabinet member with a knowledge of how particular technology choices in this area work.
Mouse, mouses. Shuddup Chris Farley. In the next bit he at least pointed out he differed in opinion to Ryan and praised a lot of Ross’s bill.
One function for an overseeing agency would be to ensure broadband penetration is reached critically in each of those sectors. The Minister has indicated his personal priority as regards broadband in schools. I am confident there will be significant advances in this area. It must be recognised better broadband access for households has other implications such as encouraging home working and preventing unnecessary commuter transport.
The difference between technology platforms is an area I believe could be more tightly regulated. Will the majority of broadband service be delivered through cable or some other platform such as satellite? The Minister indicated that because the greater increase in broadband services is through mobile platforms, this seems to be policy direction. I am not sure that should be the case. There are still opportunities to have a cable-based system that will carry as much of the broadband network as possible while having the mobile broadband as an add-on.
The Minister is open to debate on the issue while at the same time progressing policy goals in this area. I would like to see Senator Shane Ross, who has taken an interest in this area, engage in further goading of the Minister, the Department and the Government on broadband services. I know the Minister has stated he will not accept this Bill but there is still a need for the Minister to explain what he intends to do in regulation and legislation, if necessary, in this area.
Schools? More schools have a satellite dish feeding them Internet access than proper broadband. Satellite is not broadband. Also Ryan has said 2009 will be when his Department will reexamine broadband in schools. I find it very interesting that broadband in schools is the new fad from the Department. Love how they’re talking about fibre? How many have fibre now? How many will have fibre in 2009? You don’t know. The Department doesn’t know because it’s made up. Pulled out of the air.
Two questions if answered honestly by Boyle and his party members would push things along:
- Will you agree that mobile “broadband” is not in fact credible broadband and is more like mobile dialup?
- Will you agree that these mobile figures should not be used by the Government to measure broadband subscriptions?
Were such an honest answer given, it would make progress in my view because there’d be less lies to hide behind and more motiviation to make progress. Unlike now.
I think it’s extraordinary how much air-time he gets considering he’s not an elected representative.
A member of the Oireachtas, yes, and a high-ranking Green Party member but John Gormley should be carrying the can instead of letting Dan Boyle be the de-facto spokesperson for the Green Party parliamentary party.
I wonder how many senators command anywhere near the amount of attention Boyle does.
Dan Boyle is turning into the Willie O’Dea of the Green Party. Any time there is trouble no matter what the issue Dan and Willie will appear to defend the Minister responsible.
Can’t stand the Greens since they went into Goverment, could never stand Boyle. If you decide to tag along behind him next time around, I’ll tag along behind you with stickers and badges. You can put “cunt” on them if you like.
I’m on holiday in the US right now and got a bus down to DC from New York on Saturday. I had uninterrupted broadband access on the bus for the duration of the trip. I’m not sure how it worked, I had assumed that the bus had a 3G receiver but I still got a signal when I was in a tunnel.
A fucking bus.
And many Irish people still can’t get the motherfucker in their houses.
I thought the US as supposed to lag behind Europe in telecoms (for example, many of their mobile networks still run on analogue)
And I thought I was the only one with a visceral dislike of the guy. I’d sweat blood to see him lose again.
“I got burned once by the lieing Green Party”
Sorry to be pedantic there but don’t you mean lying Green Party. Of course you do, it’s just funny that you constructed it the other way, but didn’t you think ” no that just doesn’t look right?” Just curious is all.
Shane Ross put his points accross really well on Radio 1 and all I heard was the same old spin sh*te from the goverment
What will it take for them to fuck*ng wake up
No broandand infrastructure=no effective communication-no business
@Eamonn Apology accepted
[…] I am quite sure of, they’re not stupid. They have told the Minister of this too. If Dan Boyle is anyone to go by, Eamon Ryan, being the best guy in the whole wide world to know broadband (awww shucks thanks […]
Jesus lads whats with all the nasty comments about Dan Boyle. The only reason Im looking at this page is because Dan is a cousin of mine and surely I would have heard some of this negativity towards him before now. So whats the big deal with him anyway? Why do so many people dislike him? We all know politicians can be a bit crooked at times but Dan seems too genuine to be capable of doing anything but his best for the people that he is representing. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!
Feedback on why people don’t like him? Sounds like a strange thing to ask if you are a cousin of his..
@Shane Did you read the fucking blog post or the comments? Or do you need the Ann and Barry guide?
I’m not sure what I’m being given out to about here. Shane Ross has acknowledged what I had to say about the bill. If I was as pliant as some are suggesting, why would I infer any criticism at all of Eamon Ryan. Shane Ross understands that when in government you support the government. He is not in government and he won’t ever be in government. Your targets should be the opposition parties. Are they saying anything different? There’s nothing inconsistent in believing that Eamon Ryan is that best person to deliver that change while criticising how he is going about that. I’ve been in politics long enough to be able to live with the bile and the name calling I see here, but I think some of you could do with some anger management.
[…] them. (Two links in one week Markham, fiver please) Meanwhile former TD Dan Boyle tells bloggers to seek Anger Management therapy. That’d be my vote next time Dan and my […]
That makes me SO MAD.
Fmr73man will SMASH!!
@Dan Here here… unfair critisism is the worst thing aout the web… well… after the apple fanboys:-)
Could be worse “Patrik”, they could be a boring cunt like yourself.
Do I get a badge?
It’s not a fair trade badge and has a massive carbon footprint.
Dan, your party hasn’t a clue and you have less of a one. Do yourself a favour and be quiet before you make an even bigger langer of yourself. Again.
feck it… now I have to write a post telling beople that wearing badges is a waste of energy… my important work is never done!