AJ McKee is looking for a job at the moment. He’s currently based in Cork and yeah he’s a friend and there’s some bias but I think he’s still fantastic at what he does. Along with a few other lads he came up with an idea for analysing Twitter and built Tweetrush in no time. He talks the talk and walks the walk. This is his LinkedIn. He’s an IT Manager and a damned good coder too.
Ideally I think he wants to stay in Cork if he can. I okayed it with AJ to blog this too btw 🙂
Sarah Palin thinks he rocks too:
Photo owned by bobster1985 (cc)
[…] Yes, alas its very true. Owing to the current economic situation I am on the hunt for a new position after a long time spent with my current employer. November the 4th shall be my last day and end my tenure as IT manager for a great company. For the past month I’ve been submitting forms, CV’s and running through all sorts of hoops the recruitment agencies have in place while doing my final handover. Alas that magic position has thus far eluded me. I could write numerous posts on just the experiences I’ve had with agencies, some good, some just jaw dropping, but I won’t. Everyone has to do it, everyone knows how good or bad it can get. […]
Damien, a compliment such as the above from someone such as yourself is truly humbling. I really do appreciate the post. Yes if I can stay in Cork I shall, but if I have to move so be it, however there will be one certainty. I’ll still be flying the Munster & Cork colors when & where I can. Many many THANKS!
P.S. Sara called, wished her luck, she said say hello to ya 🙂