Fluffy Links – Friday 28th November 2008

Manky Toy Show, ready to go. Ho ho.

Only in fucking Ireland could you get off from drunk driving with this excuse.

Via Paul Meaty! A chicken stuffed in duck stuffed in a turkey, all wrapped in bacon.

Friend in Dublin is looking for someone to move into her flatshare. Details here.

Five things you should know about Advert Recording. (An Irish perspective) I like this:

Smile when you read, trust me this makes the read so much more inviting to the listener, you look stupid in the studio, but you can hear the smile and the warmth that generates

The IIA’s Social Media Working Group are inviting you to give feedback on ther Business Blogging Guide which will be released soon. Oh and you have to pay them 30 quid to give them feedback. Not very social then is it?

Too soon too soon! Concentration Camp Lego.

What is it with Australians and Facebook and getting caught?

The Dutch get their own typeface. Nice.

Via Jonathan is this video of video in video:

Now playing in the Abbey: The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

5 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Friday 28th November 2008”

  1. Joe Scanlon says:

    Cheers for link Damien!

  2. fústar says:

    Thanks for the plug D.

  3. […] just followed this article via Damien Mulley’s Fluffy Links and could not believe what I was reading. Talk about an open-minded judge. Apparently, two drink […]

  4. Colm says:

    “What is it with Australians and Facebook and getting caught?”

    Those criminals never learn do they 🙂

  5. Roseanne says:

    Hi Damien,

    Thanks for the link re the Social Media Working Group. As regards payment for this workshop it’s only 20 yoyos actually and it’s free to members of the IIA. The IIA is a non-profit organisation and there is room hire and other costs associated with organising this. We are trying to ensure that this Guide to Blogging for Business is created in as collaborative a fashion as possible. If anyone is interested in it they can email me at members@iia.ie and I can ensure they receive a link to the draft when it goes live.
