Robin and David feature on front page of O’Reilly Radar. Very very impressive. Yet at the same time you think it’s about time!
Meanwhile Robin’s friend is blogging again. Howya Fergal.
Aedan has done some wonderful analysis on Facebook ads and a campaign he ran on it.
Liking Iain’s essay on America/Tourism/Music/Politics. I would like to subscribe to his newsletter, oh hang on…
Slattery’s are going to be blogging soon. I heard they have a new Online/Digital PR section now too.
John Keyes has an interesting post on trying to digitize his analog bits. Also he points out you can get online billing from the ESB now.
Via Drew B is O2 Litmus. O2 are building their own Appstore. Forget getting access to a single phone, imagine getting access to all phones on one of the largest mobile networks in the world. Clever.
Drew also talks about Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross being good for the UK economy by distracting people. Interesting perspectives.
“So if you want to change what I’m doing, don’t try to persuade me- don’t try to make me- do anything. Instead, enlist the help of my friends… “see here.