The blog is the battery in your pleasure toy

Nice quote taken from this here blog post. Head over to Nick’s new gaff and read and comment on his posts about adland from an Irish perspective. And another fine quote which will surely get him lots of Google hits for all the wrong reasons:

Bloglessness equals a dildo without batteries. You’ll get fucked in the long run, but it’ll be a lot more hard work and always, always the certain knowledge that really? you did it to yourself

2 Responses to “The blog is the battery in your pleasure toy”

  1. McAWilliams says:

    What a fantastic quote from one of the best out there. Its all true Ad agencies in Ireland dont get blogs, the same way Production Companies for adland dont see the reason! well I have a great domain name that in 2009 hopefully can change that.

    Must get in touch with young mcgivney, hmmm

  2. lisadom says:

    Yes the McGivney is telling the rest of the zoo about the elephant, in the gift shop. I hope they listen.

    Can’t help but wonder what goes on in traditional marketing and adlands heads when they think they can ignore Blog world. Do they think that this too will pass?
