What’s with the front pages?

Labour front page:
Labour front page

Fine Gael is a bit eurovisionary or Zooropa-y
Fine Gael front page

BTW, I liked Fine Gael’s budget thingymajig, Labour’s taxing of texts to pay for the cervical vaccine was beyond dumb. Kids will be paying more than adults if all texts are taxed the 1 cent that Labour suggested. Meteor texts for life would be killed off. So teenage girls would actually end up paying for the vaccine just like Mary Harney suggested. It also undermines the importance of the issue by saying it’s not central to the Department of Health, it’s on a par with the plastic bag tax. Why not tackle the wastage in the damned health system instead of raising more money to have it swallow up?

2 Responses to “What’s with the front pages?”

  1. Steph says:

    I brought up the issue of the Labour homepage with some of the Young Labour gang. They dropped the Obama word & I went a bit crazy on their asses. Can’t wait to see what FG launch this weekend.

  2. Dave Meehan says:

    Why not tackle the wastage in the damned health system instead of raising more money to have it swallow up?

    hear, hear!