Fluffy Links – Thursday May 14th 2009

We found Brian’s very small one.

Some gold here in details about the New Yorker.

You can still be a winner with Komplett.

The next Facebook Garage in Dublin is on the way.

A noble pursuit. Finding and saving documents that might get destroyed.

Via Buildings and Food – Amazon’s blog on books.

3 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Thursday May 14th 2009”

  1. David Cochrane says:

    Are you working for/consulting Komplett Damien?

  2. If I was under the employ of Komplett I’d disclose it Dave. It’s a good model to live one’s life by. I’m sure you’d agree.

  3. David Cochrane says:

    Completely, I’ve lived by the same mantra as I’m sure you’re aware.

    Komplett went from calling us all dumb to getting alot of link-love from you, was just wondering what changed.

    It wasn’t an assumption made, but a question asked.

    And thanks for answering it.
