Fluffy Links – Monday June 15th 2009

Nice Facebook for business checklist from Eoin

The next MeasurementCamp Dublin is June 24th.

Late on this but congrats on the iQShortees.

Sufjan Stevens’ Illinois album, infographiced.

Woo, API for Bing.

Boards.ie Bargain Alerts forum now on Twitter.

Album.ie got a tartover.

Séamus O’Croídlánd points out the traffic Twitter sends to one of his sites.

Adam Boulton does a Ron Burgundy and reads filler text from the autocue

Via Creative Review, new video from We Have Band. The video was conceived by an advertising agency.

3 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Monday June 15th 2009”

  1. Dave says:

    Just to let you know, you’re missing the “h” in http: on the first link, so the link won’t work.


  2. Joe Scanlon says:

    The Adam Boulton clip really helps with the monday morning blues. LOL