PR firm running ads against my name (hey lads there’s a H in Fashion)

Bless. When you do a Google search for Mulley or Damien Mulley, Mary Crotty PR have ads running.

Mary Crotty PR

Good for them. I clicked on the ads too to see their site. I hope they have set a sane daily budget as if everyone that Googled my name clicked on the ads, it might cost them a lot over the space of a day and week. Also, because the keywords damien and mulley are not on their site, they pay more per click then if the words were there. Add my details to your landing page! I’m here to save you money! (Edit: Daily budget was hit it seems)

I like this page on their website. This image on the page says they take pride in perfection:

Mary Crotty PR and perfection

It sits just under this image about how image is important:

Mary Crotty PR Image is important

19 Responses to “PR firm running ads against my name (hey lads there’s a H in Fashion)”

  1. Darragh says:

    Their ethos is simple, Damien, attention to detail is a big thing.

    Checking their website for grammar and spelling mistakes – obviously not…

  2. Twenty Major says:

    Google search for ‘Mulley’ gives me this:

    Looks like they mis-spelled the first part of the domain too πŸ˜€

  3. “We know the importance of image” [but not substance] Painful spelling.

  4. Classy, Mary Crotty PR. Very classy.

  5. Though I can never help thinking of PR companies in terms of Prentice McCabe (from that BBC radio show with Stephen Fry as the evil PR person).

  6. Jane says:

    It’s also amazing that hours after you pointed them out, the mistakes still haven’t been rectified.
    Yes Robert, youve got to love Prentice McCabe. That programe was called Absolute Power I think. It’s sometimes on Dave.

  7. Markham says:

    Good God.

    Have they spotted all the other typos too or am I suddenly a reverse-dyslexic?

    Under Technology/Telecomms, they misspelt the word ‘message’. Under Corporate they say that they ‘make your busines our business’. Presumably by adding an ‘s’.

    Oh – lifeSTYLE.

    And then there’s the missing comma down in the lower left image caption, and the missing apostrophe in the one next to it.

    It’s like a grammar/punctuation test for sixth-class students – can you spot all the errors?

    I’m available for website proofing, folks – former deputy editor of a national Australian newspaper, no less. Let me help. I can stop this.

  8. Darragh says:

    Nice pimping there Markham πŸ˜›

  9. Mary Crotty says:

    Dear Damien,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Our site has been taken down for maintenance.

    Adwords was being handled by a third party and this problem has now been sorted.

    Mary Crotty

  10. Pat Phelan says:

    Third party running your adwords.
    WOW, time to have a look at this PR crack πŸ™‚

  11. Tuesday Kid says:

    Nice to see you’re letting people who google them visit their website free of charge.

  12. fin says:

    I’m comforted by the fact that they have the “up most of skill, know-how and enthusiasm”

  13. Goat says:

    Superb…. if in doubt blame the “3rd party” !!

  14. SinΓ©ad says:

    It always makes me laugh when blog comments are written like emails, especially when it’s by anyone claiming to be capable of advising business on social media.

    I tried to take a peek at their website today but without flash it’s 100% un-navigatable. Kind of bizzare.

  15. Since Damien is kindly hosting the typo reporting section of Mary Crotty PR’s website, I’ll leave mine here:

    On the new temporary site:”We provide Public Relations agency services for international brands to smaller businesses, with the up most of skill,..” presumably “up most” should be “utmost”.

  16. What an assumption! Maybe they just have the highest-altitude PR firm office in Dublin. πŸ˜‰

  17. Richard Hearne says:

    Well at least you know you’ve arrived now Damien.

    I’d say if anything this just gives you more authority now that your competitors feel your name worthy of targeting and paying for.

    Methinks third party Adwords manager might be getting an earful right now though…

  18. Is it just me, or is the idea of a PR company of all things outsourcing advertising slightly farcical? What, precisely, do they do themselves, if they can’t even produce their own propaganda?

  19. le craic says:

    Christ almighty, but isn’t this a lovely goatfest altogether.