Are the Web Awards over yet? Ah yes. Some thanks.
Nice list of expenses of John Gormley. By nice I mean nice for some.
Conor gives his thoughts on a CIO for Ireland. The person will have to be corrupt from day 1 to get such a job. When a Govt makes it policy to not mention broadband in speeches you can bet the CIO will have to be superpositive about the piece of string people have to use in order to check email. Having a good CIO in a poisonous Government and connected to the sinister Civil Servants who are complicit in all of this will mean nothing good happens.
New blog from Hugh Linehan of the Irish Times.
Johnny points out a social network in Ireland for keeping fit.
Lovely review of Donal’s cookbook.
Will McInnes is back in Ireland soon for the Content is King conference. I’ll be in Qatar though 🙁
Innovation in the sports industry.
New RTE TV show?
The Who
“Having a good CIO in a poisonous Government and connected to the sinister Civil Servants who are complicit in all of this will mean nothing good happens.”
Oh yea baby. Between this and today’s Dublin Opinion posting, we can stop all the other twaddle and just keep the head down and get on with it.
Neil Delamare is presenting that new RTE programme.
On your bike John. The Greens will go the same way as the PDs only quicker.