Fluffy Links – Monday 19th October 2009

Creativity pool a bit shallow? Status suggestor for Facebook for you.

New blog from S.

Denis O’Brien’s attack website on the Moriarty Tribunal.

Michelle Obama action figures. We all need one, right?

A whole host of innovation and business links:

How do innovators think?

Best advice I’ve read in a long time: On the money advice on starting startups including ideas to try.

What is excellence?

Short deadlines are good.

Innovation elasticity.

Cool guys don’t look at explosions:

4 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Monday 19th October 2009”

  1. Moriarty Tribunal, brought to you by Digicel.

  2. Patrick says:


    Thanks for including a link to my books website.

    I am a big fan, so I am delighted about this!



  3. tipster says:

    Wayyy off topic, but I would love to see your analysis of the social-networking and intarwebs’s role in the record breaking complaints to the UK’s PCC:


  4. Siobhán says:

    Hey Damien!

    Thank you so much for including a link to my blog.

    You are one COOL DUDE.

    Just discovered it now.

    Thanks again!
