The treasure hunt using Twitter is on this Saturday in Dublin City Centre. Follow the DublinTweasure account for more details. There’ll be prizes. Teams are wanted to take part.
Via the #biztweet thingymajig, 119 companies pitched what they do via a Twitter message from all walks of life. Great to see those in the legal profession take the step in pitching for business too. Times are tough for us all. If you want to see who these companies are, here’s a list of some active Irish businesses on Twitter.
Like this post about being cynical online.
Smoking a wet cigar. I do actually mean a cigar here.
Oooh. Motorcheck uses Google Cache and sees Revenue changed the car scrappage rules.
Business Blogger in Ireland? IIA has a survey going if you want to add some thoughts.
This is what the web means. Block an app on the Appstore, the web routes around it. So why quack about closed devices?
Reqall. Nice iPhone App.
Virgin Trains welcome photographers. Yay.
Good spot. Google Reader now allows you to subscribe to a site even if it does not have RSS.
Tesco getting into film making isn’t that daft an idea.
Great gig!