Fluffy Links – Thursday May 20th 2010

Bizcamp Dublin almost sold out. Love the site design.

Murphy’s Ice Cream opening two stores in Dublin. Woo.

Great post on designing landing pages from Toddle.

There’s a photowalk happening for Bloom in the Park.

Never knew they do Joyce readings in Sweny’s. Well then.

The moment you have a community, you have participants, not observers. People. Not Bums on Seats.

While other newspapers are locking things away, the Guardian builds a content distribution API. Good show.

The Hoof & The Heel – “Tigers”

Via R. Sex and the City 2, a man’s take:

3 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Thursday May 20th 2010”

  1. thanks for the tip on designing landing pages from Toddle. That’s gonna come in handy

  2. Thanks for the Toddle and Bizcamp mentions Damien.


  3. Rosemary says:

    It’s just typical that this is the first time I’ve commented on your blog, which I read all the time, but that Sex and the City thing is the best video I’ve seen ALL DAY. And I have been online for about 20 hours now, so that sure is sayin’ somethin’.