A while back I created feeds for every TD in the country. Well, now myself and the amazing Rob Synnott have created a handy aggregator for all these details. It’s called Politics In Ireland. It updates twice a day. Maybe it’ll update more frequently the closer it gets to the election. I hope this compliments the already great politics sites that are out there.
The front page lists results for all TDs. But to give users even more choice you can also view results for just the TD themselves, or everyone in their party or everyone in the constituency they’re in.
You don’t even have to visit the website if you don’t want to as every section has an RSS feed that you can subscribe to.
And there’s more. You can also display the results on your blog or website using a simple bit of javascript like below:
<script src="http://politicsinireland.com/getjs/">
More examples here. Working sidebar feed on Rob’s blog.
Simply replace the id number (172 in this case) with the id number of the page you want to display. For all results just leave the id blank.
Please do remember that the site is in Beta so think of it as this: PoliticsInIrelandBETA.png)
More features will be added in the future as we have time and resources. We hope you find it useful. Feedback will be greatly appreciated. I’d like to thank John Breslin for creating the site logo and massive thanks to Rob for putting in a huge amount of work and for being very patient with my whims and requests. You rock Rob!