Big thanks to Thomas and Bernice from BVisible for putting this together and to John Kennedy in Siliconrepublic for believing in it and offering these new online and offline spaces. Edit: Added in thanks to Bernice and BVisible!
The Tuesday Push, a co-op of people that big up a product or service every second week will now also be syndicated on SiliconRepublic and Digital21 and we may see it pop up in print as part of the eThursday Supplement in The Irish Independent. Woo.
Gordon and myself have updated the page that lets you know the criteria for a Tuesday Push. It should be clearer now. Want a push, you have to push. One for all, all for one. Cliché this, cliché that.
We have a good deal of people pushing away and giving amazing feedback on those presenting themselves but most of the companies that submit themselves for a push are not pushing other companies, thus they get rejected. If you want in, start pushing. It’s worth it as you’ll get great coverage once you get covered but probably more importantly, the people that push every second Tuesday are a mighty fine network of people and their combined analysis is worth a fortune and from what I can see they’re educating each other a lot too.
If you are a company that wants coverage then consider signing up but know the payback is medium to long-term. See SiliconRepublic article on this.

Photo owned by jasonippolito (cc)