Archive for the ‘blogs’ Category

Fluffy links August 28th 2006

Monday, August 28th, 2006

Denise Heffernan points out there’s a Starbucks in Cork now. To the airport we go!

Keith asks could the NTL/Chorus MMDS frequencies be used for wireless broadband provisioning?

I get knocked down and I get back up again. The Chumby sounds like a fun idea. An alarm clock that’s a pc.

Amazing Art. Looks like a giant buddha made from used tyres. Art can be created from anything. Genius.

911 dispatcher acts the bollox. Suggests he sends the cops out to sort out a mother’s unruly kid.

Wikipedia is gay and sex obsessed. Well according to these stats anyway.

Parents want to teach son lesson about borrowing car, he’s beaten to death on the way to jail. This is really sad.

Geek humour.

Podzinger has added some new features. Audio and video searches now and a “Zing Index”. Let’s hope KFC doesn’t have prior art.

02 promising 3.6Mbps to 14.4Mbps HSPA broadband product by year end

Monday, August 28th, 2006

O2 broadband to deliver peak rate speeds from 3.6 up to 14.4 megabits per second. No prices, no packages and no actual date.


Monday, August 28th, 2006

A while back I created feeds for every TD in the country. Well, now myself and the amazing Rob Synnott have created a handy aggregator for all these details. It’s called Politics In Ireland. It updates twice a day. Maybe it’ll update more frequently the closer it gets to the election. I hope this compliments the already great politics sites that are out there.

The front page lists results for all TDs. But to give users even more choice you can also view results for just the TD themselves, or everyone in their party or everyone in the constituency they’re in.

You don’t even have to visit the website if you don’t want to as every section has an RSS feed that you can subscribe to.

And there’s more. You can also display the results on your blog or website using a simple bit of javascript like below:

<script src="">

More examples here. Working sidebar feed on Rob’s blog.

Simply replace the id number (172 in this case) with the id number of the page you want to display. For all results just leave the id blank.

Please do remember that the site is in Beta so think of it as this: Politics In Ireland

More features will be added in the future as we have time and resources. We hope you find it useful. Feedback will be greatly appreciated. I’d like to thank John Breslin for creating the site logo and massive thanks to Rob for putting in a huge amount of work and for being very patient with my whims and requests. You rock Rob!

Broadband Leadership Conference – IrelandOffline Excluded

Sunday, August 27th, 2006

Update: Just got invites.

Posted this on the IrelandOffline forum too.

IrelandOffline have not been invited to a DCMNR conference on September 21st in Dublin. ComReg are apparently running this conference on behalf of the DCMNR. It’s not unusual for us to be left out of these events. I guess it’s hard to stay professional when IrelandOffline constantly points out your bullshit. Oh wait, hang on, regulators are meant to act like professionals and not be so petty as to leave one of the key stakeholders out of events like these. Pity this is the third ComReg event where we’ve been excluded. Clerical errors were blamed before. I sure hope the invites weren’t lost in the post. ComReg can’t use that excuse or at least I hope they won’t use it, since they regulate the postal system too.

PC Penetration in Ireland and the EU: Another lame excuse squished

Sunday, August 27th, 2006

As you may know from my many rants on this blog, I get quite annoyed with the various excuses eircom, the telecoms poodle and DCMNR use for explaining why we’re second last in the EU15 for broadband penetration. PC Penetration or the lack of PCs in this country is one excuse used.

An EU report (7Mb PDF) released on friday had loads of different stats on mobile usage, TV usage and Internet usage. (Pat Phelan mentions other stats from it) It was nice to finally have stats on EU wide pc penetration (see around page 30) because we can now see that excusing our poor takeup of broadband on PC penetration is flawed. Ireland has a household pc penetration rate of 44% and a broadband penetration rate of 7% (about 8% now since the report used older data). Using the logic of the excuse makers you’d expect that countries with a lower PC penetration rate would have a lower broadband penetration rate. Nope. Some yes but a lot have better rates such as:

The New Member states have an average PC penetration rate of 40% and an average broadband penetration rate of 12%.
Czech Republic: PC penetration rate of 41%, broadband penetration rate of 10%.
Poland: PC penetration rate of 41%, broadband penetration rate of 13%.
Lithuania: PC penetration rate of 36%, broadband penetration rate of 9%
Hungary: PC penetration rate of 36%, broadband penetration rate of 11%
Latvia: PC penetration rate of 35%, broadband penetration rate of 13%
Portugal: PC penetration rate of 34%, broadband penetration rate of 13%

But even those countries with a slightly better PC penetration rate have much better broadband penetration rates

Italy: PC penetration rate of 47%, broadband penetration rate of 12%
Spain: PC penetration rate of 46%, broadband penetration rate of 16%
Estonia: PC penetration rate of 45%, broadband penetration rate of 32%

Estonia has 1% more on us for PC penetration and yet has a broadband penetration rate that’s 4 times as much as us.

I look forward to knocking back your next broadband excuses guys.

Interesting words from Dave Winer

Sunday, August 27th, 2006

The quote below from Dave Winer sums up most of the latest tech fads too:

We were excited about WAP in January 2000, and we (UserLand) made it so Manila automatically generated WAP and WML from each site’s home page. Where did that go? Nowhere, because no one was using mobile stuff then, they were just having conferences about it.

El Fluffo linkos – Sat August 26th

Saturday, August 26th, 2006

They’ve turned Megatron into the Shrike.

Durex ads are always fun.

Sebastien Schuller – Go listen to his stuff. Weeping Willow is a beautiful song.

How firefox prevents websites sneakily installing malicious software on your machine.

540 degree slam dunk:

It may be a BMW ad but the artist and his kinetic piece of art are worth watching:

Has Jarvis Cocker been writing songs with Twenty Major? – Cunts are still running the world

Friday, August 25th, 2006

Jarvis Cocker – Cunts are still running the world. Give the video a chance. There’s 3-4 false starts before he launches into a working version of the song. The start of this song is kind of dodgy but ends really well. You can also hear the song on Jarvis’s MySpace.

Here are the lyrics:

Well did you hear, there’s a natural order.
Those most deserving will end up with the most.
That the cream cannot help but always rise up to the top,
Well I say: Shit floats.
If you thought things had changed,
Friend you’d better think again,
Bluntly put in the fewest of words,
Cunts are still running the world,
Cunts are still running the world.

Now the working classes are obsolete,
They are surplus to societies needs,
So let ‘em all kill each other,
And get it made overseas.
That’s the word don’t you know,
From the guys thats running the show,
Lets be perfectly clear boys and girls,
Cunts are still running the world,
Cunts are still running the world.

Oh feed your children on Cray fish and Lobster tails,
Find a school near the top of the league,
In theory I respect your right to exist,
I will kill ya if you move in next to me,
Ah it stinks, it sucks, it’s anthropologically unjust,
But the takings are up by a third, Oh So
Cunts are still running the world,
Cunts are still running the world.

Your free market is perfectly natural,
Or do you think that I’m some kind of dummy,
It’s the ideal way to order the world,
Fuck the morals, does it make any money?
And if you don’t like it? Then leave.
Or use your right to protest on the street,
Yeah, use your rights but don’t imagine that it’s heard, Oh no no,
Cunts are still running the world,
Cunts are still running the world.

Open letter to the Gordon coming from web address

Friday, August 25th, 2006

Hi Gordon,

re: your comment

you’re one sad git. You obviously have little else to be doing.

You’d be wrong. I have a lot more to do, I have a very busy day each and every day and don’t like it when I have to take the time out to read emails I did not ask for and then after that I have to go and ask for these emails to be stopped. Then the same happens again and again.

I also do not like having to take the time to fill out a report to the Data Protection Commissioner but there is a law and I am allowed exercise my duty to have this breach investigated. Would you say nothing if someone constantly started dumping rubbish bags into your front garden? I wouldn’t.

Justin Mason got married

Friday, August 25th, 2006

Via Adam’s not a blog is news that Justin Mason is now a married man. Congrats to yourself and the wife. Big extra coolness points go to Justin for linking to the below video on his blog post announcing his marriage. Via le liga!