Chris Anderson and his publisher are giving away 100 review copies of The Long Tail. Fire him off an email with your snail mail address and your blog URL and maybe you’ll be one of the lucky 100 to get the book before it is released on July 11th.
Archive for the ‘blogs’ Category
Review the Long Tail Book
Tuesday, June 27th, 2006BBC News Editors are all blogging
Monday, June 26th, 2006The BBC Editors blog is now public even though it was meant to remain in priavte beta until August.
Welcome to The Editors, a new blog written by editors from across the range of BBC News outlets – TV, radio and interactive – about their issues, dilemmas, and highs (and lows) they face in doing their jobs.
The Brits are really getting this whole blogging and transparency “mad fad thing” aren’t they? More and more UK Newspaper Editors and staff are blogging yet in Ireland not one newspaper editor or senior figure is conversing with the public and showing them how they do their work. It’s a great shame. So who do you think will be first in Ireland and how long will it take? Anyone want to start a betting pool?
UPDATE: Good post by Cian Ginty on this.
Shandon in photos
Monday, June 26th, 2006RSS Feeds for every TD – Thanks Technorati
Monday, June 26th, 2006This might interest the politics fans. I wasted a bit of my Sunday by inputting the name of each current TD into Technorati and generated a watch list for each. Here are Technorati Watchlists (RSS feeds) for each TD going alphabetically. Maybe James can help make an OPML file out of this? I have the raw urls in a txt file if it is neeed. Comments appreciated.
** A
Bertie Ahern
Dermot Ahern
Michael Ahern
Bernard Allen
Noel Ahern
Barry Andrews
Seán Ardagh
Liam Aylward
Niall Blaney
Dan Boyle
Johnny Brady
Martin Brady
James Breen
Patrick Breen
Seamus Brennan
Tommy Broughan
John Browne
John Bruton
Richard Bruton
Joan Burton
Joe Callanan
Ivor Callely
Pat Carey
John Carty
Donie Cassidy
Michael Collins
Paul Connaughton
Paudge Connolly
Beverley Cooper-Flynn
Joe Costello
Mary Coughlan
Simon Coveney
Brian Cowen
Jerry Cowley
Seymour Crawford
John Cregan
Sean Crowe
Ciaran Cuffe
Martin Cullen
John Curran
Noel Davern
SÃle de Valera
John Deasy
Jimmy Deenihan
Noel Dempsey
Tony Dempsey
John Dennehy
Jimmy Devins
Bernard Durkan
John Ellis
Damien English
Olwyn Enright
Frank Fahey
Martin Ferris
Michael Finneran
Dermot Fitzpatrick
Sean Fleming
Mildred Fox
Pat The Cope Gallagher
Eamon Gilmore
Jim Glennon
Paul Gogarty
John Gormley
Noel Grealish
Tony Gregory
Mary Hanafin
Marian Harkin
Mary Harney
Sean Haughey
Tom Hayes
Jackie Healy-Rae
Seamus Healy
Joe Higgins
Michael D Higgins
Máire Hoctor
Phil Hogan
Brendan Howlin
Joe Jacob
Cecilia Keaveney
Paul Kehoe
Billy Kelleher
Peter Kelly
Enda Kenny
Tony Killeen
Séamus Kirk
Tom Kitt
Brian Lenihan
Conor Lenihan
Michael Lowry
Kathleen Lynch
Micheál Martin
Pádraic McCormack
Charlie McCreevy
James McDaid
Michael McDowell
Tom McEllistrim
Shane McEntee
Dinny McGinley
Paul McGrath
Finian McGrath
John McGuinness
Paddy McHugh
Liz McManus
Gay Mitchell
Olivia Mitchell
John Moloney
Arthur Morgan
Donal Moynihan
Breeda Moynihan-Cronin
Michael Mulcahy
Catherine Murphy
Gerard Murphy
Denis Naughten
Dan Neville
Matthew Nolan
Michael Noonan
CaoimhghÃn Ó Caoláin
Éamon Ó CuÃv
Seán Ó Fearghail
Aengus Ó Snodaigh
Charlie O’Connor
Willie O’Dea
Liz O’Donnell
John O’Donoghue
Denis O’Donovan
Fergus O’Dowd
Noel O’Flynn
Rory O’Hanlon
Batt O’Keeffe
Jim O’Keeffe
Ned O’Keeffe
Tim O’Malley
Fiona O’Malley
Brian O’Shea
Jan O’Sullivan
Tom Parlon
Séamus Pattison
William Penrose
John Perry
Peter Power
Seán Power
Ruairà Quinn
Pat Rabbitte
Michael Ring
Dick Roche
Eoin Ryan
Sean Ryan
Eamon Ryan
** S
Trevor Sargent
Mae Sexton
Joe Sherlock
RóisÃn Shortall
Brendan Smith
Michael Smith
Emmet Stagg
David Stanton
Billy Timmins
Noel Treacy
Liam Twomey
Mary Upton
Jack Wall
Dan Wallace
Mary Wallace
Joe Walsh
Ollie Wilkinson
Michael Woods
G V Wright
Sunday Video Fluff 25th June 2006
Sunday, June 25th, 2006Monthy Pyhton Argument Clinic
Stevie Wonder live on Sesame Street singing Superstition. FANTASTIC.
NoFitState Circus – Immortal – Utterly fantastic
Saturday, June 24th, 2006nofit state circus’ ImMortal2 is part of the Cork Midsummer festival. I saw it tonight and was blown away. In 2005 it was rated as the best ever UK Circus show and I can understand why. Take the worlds that Tom Waits creates in his songs and mix them with some prose of William S Burroughs and add a fun jazzy soundtrack that Waits might himself create if he was on ectasy, throw in Cirque de Soleil without the campness and you have something like this. If I could buy the soundtrack I would. There are not many shows that hugely impress me but this is one. Lots of hot guys too. I’d travel to see this and maybe you can too as they are staying around Ireland for the next few weeks. I strongly urge you to go see them. They play two more shows in Cork tomorrow and then that’s it for there and you can see them next on:
4th – 8th July – Clonmel – Junction Festival
13th – 16th July – Donegal – Earagail Arts Festival
24th – 29th July – Dublin – Draiocht, Millennium Park, Blanchardstown
Coraline at Firkin Crane
Saturday, June 24th, 2006Myself, Gerry and Ursula (his missus) went to see Neil Gaiman’s Coraline as part of the Midsummer Festival. It was shown at beautiful the Firkin Crane Centre, pictured below.
Coraline was classed as a family show though with scary elements so that kids under 10 were discouraged from going. Nothing really scary about it but then I’m not ten anymore, though sometimes act it. It was the never disappointing Gaiman blend of quirky humour, beautiful prose, dark elements and great imagination. Gerry said he’ll have to buy the book now. Now, next we need to try and persuade them to bring Wolves in the Walls over here.
Hedwig in Dublin – July 15th, do come along
Saturday, June 24th, 2006Our own Joe Roch is starring in Hedwig and the Angry Inch from July 5th to July 15th in the Projects Art Centre. I’ve got my tickets booked and come along if you’ve seen the show previously or watched the movie. IMDB page for Hedwig.
Sat 24th June 2006 Fluffy links
Saturday, June 24th, 2006Fantastic way to market Pizzas.
Microsoft Ireland has a draw to win a tablet PC. Fill out a 4 question survey to avail. You need an MS Passport login or an MSN login.
Meetings are toxic. Great productivity tips from 37 Signals.
Make your own posters for 12 euros.
I fell in love with a Dead Boy. Antony And The Johnsons – singing in the movie Wild Side. Warning, naked people in this and full frontal nudity. Brief description:
“This moody French film from director Sébastian Lifshitz tells the story of Stéphanie (Stéphanie Michelini), a jaded transsexual prostitute who leaves Paris to take care of her dying mother (Josiane Storelu) in the country. She brings along her two lovers, a street-hustling Arab boy, Jamel (Yasmine Belmadi), and a Russian ex-soldier named Mikhail (Edouard Nikitine). While Stephanie and her mother come to grips with their troubled past, Mikhail has his own problems dealing with his mother back in Russia, as does Jamel who finds his lifestyle not warmly accepted by his conventional family.”
Mustang sally now baby:
Keith Gaughan Rocks – Dáil Visualiser redux
Friday, June 23rd, 2006I suggested that someone create a Dáil visualiser and Keith Gaughan stepped up and did. Rockin. Nice one Keith.