Archive for the ‘blogs’ Category

Music Lists for 2006 – tis the season

Sunday, December 3rd, 2006

Nialler is looking for your top Irish albums of 2006. Yes, it *is* that time of year. I’m not sure have I actually listened to any Irish albums released in 2006. Certainly not that album from yer man Rice.

Overall my favourite albums or artists for 2006 have been Beirut – Gulag Orkestra, Regina Spektor – Soviet Kitch (yeah I know it isn’t her latest album), Girl Talk – Night Ripper and both Final Fantasy albums. I think I have a few Irish artists on my iPod but not many at all when compared to my overall music collection. Perhaps Nialler’s list will convince me to seek out local talent. Tinfoil hattery: Google remove another blog post?

Sunday, December 3rd, 2006

It seems to be Richard’s turn this time. He has had just one single post removed from the Google index. He points out that it was his post on that was removed. A post which wasn’t that flattering of their “award winning” site. (Since changed and made much better but the award went to the old site) Guess who does their PR? I honestly think it is a coincidence. There’s no way a multi-billion dollar company could have such a weak system in place that would allow a human to interfere with their search godmachine. Afterall and by all accounts, Google really don’t have time for or trust these humans. Many know and have experienced the massive disregard Google has for anyone human that tries to connect with them. I doubt an actual answer to Richard will be forthcoming. When my post was removed the excuse/reason a Google employee gave wasn’t at all convincing.

When you do a search for, Richard’s homepage comes up alright but the actual post, the one saying something that isn’t positive, well that seems to be gone. So is Google manually removing some posts when requested by people/lawyers or is it that their service is just shit? Again, Richard’s post on them is no. 3 on MSN, yet it is not in the Google index. Curious, no?

touched for the very first time…

Saturday, December 2nd, 2006

Seem’s Steven‘s Virginity For Sale post is getting him a good deal of traffic. His post appears on the front page of Google for the search phrase: Virginity for sale. It makes me smile that Steven has learned to pimp virginity. 🙂

Free postage – and a free present to pass off for Christmas

Friday, December 1st, 2006

Via, It seems if you order a free book made by Hellmans, you can avail of free postage for anything else you add to your order.

Simply go here:, add the book to your cart, click on “Proceed to the checkout”, choose your postal address and on the payment page add the gift certificate code “HELLMANAMZN2” and click to continue. Choose a payment method for the rest of the order.

You should now notice that postage for the other items are free. Handy for Christmas shopping.

Well done Simon

Friday, December 1st, 2006

He beat the Irish Times to a story.

Fluffy Links – December 1st 2006

Friday, December 1st, 2006

Send Steve Ballmer monopoly money. Funny. For about 5 seconds.

How to be a shit boss. How to be a good boss.

A new way to multiply. Just don’t use anything with the number 4 or higher in it.

Google’s WebOS?

Careful when posting pics of your desktop.

How cocaine is made:

And on the same theme, Withnail and I:

More Withnail and I fun.

Increase subscribers by offering a prize draw?

Thursday, November 30th, 2006

So the Marketing Pilgrim blog is offering a prize draw for anyone that subscribes to their blog and as the amount of subscribers increases, the prize gets better. Oddly though there only appear to be 7 blogs linking to the blog post itself. Or maybe 8 now. You’d think there’d be more. This I suppose is very like the old competitions to get people to sign up to newsletters though subscribing and unsubscribing to RSS is much easier and there’s no fear of getting further spammed.

Still I wonder is this a way of getting genuine subscribers? Regular readers who do not sub might sign up but I guess the barrier to entry for RSS subscribers is still high or they would have already signed-up. Maybe IE7 will start changing that along with other common applications that start incorporating RSS reading technology.

How would you try and increase the number of subscribers to your blog? I’m not sold on something gimmicky like winning an iPod. I have an icon or two on the sidebar telling people how they can subscribe. Should there be an option in every post? Or on the most popular posts? But then what is the need to have more RSS subscribers besides the ego boost of seeing x dozen people have to suffer your links to YouTube?

Fluffy Links – November 30th 2006

Thursday, November 30th, 2006

Payback’s a bitch. Undermining 2.0.

Worst Internet Aquisitions ever.

Watch Arrested Development online on MSN.

Circumventing the water-damage stickers hidden in your mobiles.

“We killed Jesus, we’ll kill you too”. Where’s Mel Gibson when you need him?

21 James Bond Title Sequences. One after the other.

Cold War Kids – Hospital Beds (live)

Final KLF video – KLF – What time is love?

Harry McGee joins the blogging world

Wednesday, November 29th, 2006

Harry McGee, Political Editor for the Irish Examiner has now started his own blog.

A very brief introduction. I am the political editor of the Irish Examiner.
A very brief brief for this blog: Running commentary on politics.
A very brief summary of the choice of day to start it: inauspicious.
It will improve though. There is, despite the general sense of indolence here, an election in six month’s time. And next week’s Budget will provide – as we hacks love to write – the opening volleys etc etc

Fluffy Links – November 29th 2006

Wednesday, November 29th, 2006

Atheists are the new gays says Dilbert creator. Atheists are coming out of their closets ever since 9/11 he says.

Things you may not have known about AIDS in Africa.

Nintendo NES guitar.

Free ad supported mobile phones.

Michael Moore makes some supposed olive branch gesture to Republicans but it reads as totally condescending. Remember Michael, that it was a majority voted in all those Republican senators and congressmen and it was a large chunk of the country that voted in George W. Bush, twice. The Dems will do as they always have and righteously piss off many of those that gave them the chance to do good and alienate those that didn’t give them a chance by questioning their intelligence. It might be best to stick to making almost-factual documentaries and not rubbing the noses of millions into the shitpile they helped create.

Battlestar Galactica Clip set to Soundgarden – Blow up the outside world:

Original song and videof for Soundgarden’s Blow up the outside world:

Lyrics to Blow up the outside world.