Archive for the ‘Fluffy’ Category

Fluffy Links – Monday February 18th 2008

Monday, February 18th, 2008

Free Neil Gaiman audio short story read by the genius himself.


Do you stop breathing as you type? Don’t type long sentences.

Via Mick. International Skeletor day!

A book about squares and boxes. And very appealing. If you liked the docu Helvetica…

Find free domain names or make up new company names that match free domains.

Journobloggers. Never heard that word before. You will not utter it again here either.

Trashcan barcode readers.

Via You Ain’t No Picasso:
Justice – Phantom

Thao Nguyen – Bag of Hammers

Fluffy Links – Thursday February 14th 2008

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

I had a Moot Court exam thing today so was studying a little bit yesterday and so didn’t have time to do the fluffies. So here they are.

Pat Kenny has a blog!

The Tuppenceworth blog are asking for you to send them details about the management fees you pay. Crowdsourcing!

Reuters continue to do clever things. Like OpenCalais.

Bob Woodward speaks at Google. If you don’t know who he is, Google him!

The Jawbone bluetooth headset ad features snogging rugby players. Dieux de Stade they ain’t.

Chris Walken reading a kiddie story:

Via Colm Brophy The new Indiana Jones trailer:

● Fluffy Links – Wednesday 13th February 2008

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008


Techludd Limerick is on next week, y’going?

How do you solve a problem like Bertia?

More Bertie.

Tom documented the neverending saga with Blueface.

Are you an advertiser? Maybe you might like to take this survey from Cybercom?

So where’s Harry these days? We miss you!

260 people have registered for the Blog Awards already. Crazy!

So via get up to 5 free Sims from O2 and then you can bring them to Tesco and get 10 euros credit bonus per sim from them.

Soupy Norman Christmas special. The Plank Kenny takeoff is too good.

Via his Jimness, Amy Winehouse at the Grammys. Damn.

● Fluffy Links – Tuesday February 12th 2008

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008


The Dubliner in a very long essay tackles bloggers. You know the top bloggers in Ireland just get a few hundred visitors a day?

Well my iPhone is totally unlocked now and without using Turbosim. And even I managed to do it. Woo.

Prosperity, a media and marketing recruitment company now have a blog. More of this!

So again to remind you. If you want to get press releases and communicate with PR companies, fill in this form. If you are interested in doing adverts on your blog. Try this form.

Jesus Christ Mangastar.

Conor Pope is doing a book on how to save money. He’s going to go all You’re a Star and let the people also contribute.

Barry Egan is on Facebook. Kinda. Maybe not. No.

There’s a blogger meetup thing on in Limerick soon. Head along.

Via Marc Andreessen

Xu Zhijun, chief marketing officer at Huawei Technologies, told the Financial Times that the concerns expressed by some US lawmakers were “bullshit”

Via Seán Bonner: Scary white girl.

Frank Sinatra and Alica Keys at the Grammys 2008

● Fluffy Links – Monday February 11th 2008

Monday, February 11th, 2008


Fluffy eyes, cats and now dogs.

Very very very cool Firefox plugin. It tells you the previous prices of property on and

Joe Lennon’s guide to getting TV and TV programmes online.

Check out this thread where a Digiweb employee goes to great lengths to spread FUD instead of a) either staying out of the thread on speed increases or b) giving an honest answer. The original poster asked if Digiweb would increase speeds now that eircom did and the Digiweb employee started laying it on heavy on why people should be grateful to what Digiweb give them. Of course this isn’t rare with this particular Digiweb employee who is over-aggressive with anyone that doesn’t kiss Digiweb’s ass.

Only read on a full stomach! Another great foodie blog. Eater’s Regret.

Richard Delevan now lives over on his own dotcom. Say hello or something.

This is great. To celebrate the birthday of his blog/website, Neil Gaiman is asking his readers to choose one of his books and he’ll release it for free online.

I like this idea. The page 99 test. Open any book on page 99, if it reads well, then it is worth buying.

Low flying helicopters. Very low.

The Pogues – Rainy Night in Soho

The special one is now on Setanta Sports. They started off a bit meh and have been hit and miss since but I like this one:

● Fluffy Links – Friday February 8th 2008

Friday, February 8th, 2008


If you’re coming to the Blog Awards on March 1st, please register. 25 people regged so far. Most of them have not been before, this is great.

Nialler points out that Holy Fuck have remixed Paper Planes by MIA. Such a great band name. Guarantees it won’t get on to 2fm.

Like rain on your wedding day. Rob pointed this out.’s big red door for competent people.

Last chance to register for the Blogger’s Dinner on March 2nd in Cork.

Johnny Beirne has a personal blog now. He also has bifluffyionic eye.

Sinéad’s fluffy Intel bunny suit.

MaxRoam’s party at 3GSM is going to be a blast. If you are in Barcelona around that time, try and get there.

Kottke points out another reason why Matt Webb rocks. This end of year post from him really got me thinking about technology and made me realise I’m such a novice.

Via Twenty Adopt a child that matches your blood and tissue types, just in case you need a new liver or kidney. It’s the new in-thing!

Speaking of the King, what he’s do if he won the Euromillions. Two words: Assassination Market.

The song you hear at least once in some awful bar each weekend. Play it loud in the office now.

Fluffy pics

Friday, February 8th, 2008



● Fluffy Links – Wednesday 6th February 2008

Wednesday, February 6th, 2008


So there’s a bloggers dinner in Cork on March 2nd. If you’re in Cork, do try and go. I was organising it but Alexia is now the boss of this. So chat to her about it.

Sweary is writing eurovision songs again.

Fluffy! Matty! Badgey!

Fluffy Kitty!

Fluffy Pancakey!

Yikes. are getting undue attention.

Thrillpier suggests ways of improving Phantom 105.2fm. I agree with 2, 3, 4, 6 I think 14 should be part of the Government’s Finance Bill. 12 is really annoying. I actually switch off the station for some newsreaders in particular who flub every line. Most annoying.

MGMT – Time to Pretend (original vid does not allow embedding, eejits)

Neuromancer (The Book) Concept Design set to DJ Krush- Road To Nowhere:

● Fluffy Links – Tuesday February 3rd 2008

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008


Eric is looking for press attention, can you help?

Loving this photo from Gamma Goblin.

Adieu Fanny Waters, adieu.

Vote for Pedro Dustin.

Actually, vote for Donal who’s also competing to be the Eurovision entry for Ireland and he’s a food blogger!

Niall is giving away prizes.

Stephen McCarron is now blogging. Welcome Stephen!

Niall hated Cloverfield. I loved it.

Surely they saw this coming?

Via Twenty which was er via me, Bertie wants to see tax cheats in jail.

Depeche Mode – Condemnation

Depeche Mode – My shoes

● Fluffy Links – Monday February 4th 2008

Monday, February 4th, 2008


Biggest killers in movies.

Neil Gaiman with another fascinating insight into writing books.

Sounds so simple. A rolling bench.

Judging me judging you. This is how one judge rolls.

Makes sense. A business to roll back Vista to XP.

Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward are doing a record together.

The mindset of kids these days. ‘“Off the hook” has never had anything to do with a telephone.’ etc.

Interpretive dance. You gotta love it. The Ballyogan Interpretive Dance Group star in Inside the Clock of Lives. I think we just found our new Irish interweb superstars.

This. Is. Gold. Sarah Silverman sings “I’m fucking Matt Damon”, to her boyfriend Jimmy Kimmel.

Via Adam