Archive for the ‘funny’ Category

What the

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

Via Waxy: Every use of the word fuck in:


The Big Lebowski

The Departed

100k for this? And yeah I know I’m months late on it

Sunday, April 6th, 2008

So this Roaring 20s shitefest. Wow. I remember reading about it on Shane’s blog and I note the amount of comments left about it. Not popular at all was it? Good.

But this cost the taxpayer 100k? Jesus H. The two lads behind it seem quite cocky about it in this Indo article before it got released. Nice that RTE funds this lark to give the lads the experience they need to come back for more money and another go.

They must have known it was only a matter of time that these lads would be kings of comedy after seeing this “Irish Seinfeld” video they made. Make sure you’ve peed and are sitting down when you watch this. Those with heart conditions may need to stay away. Those that lost their sense of humour after toxic viruses may be cured after watching this:

Hmmm... not what I wanted.
Photo owned by leah.jones (cc)


Thursday, March 27th, 2008

I know every nutjob is on the Internet and all but W Teee Efff:

Searches gone mad

Jazz Biscuit is the man

Monday, March 24th, 2008

(Not a fan of the new logo mind)

This new piece on Bertie Ahern is great. Look at it, download it. Send it on.

Buddy Christs

Saturday, March 22nd, 2008

So y’all might remember the movie Dogma and the new marketing campaign that the Catholic Church had where they brought in a friendlier version of Jesus called Buddy Christ.

Buddy Christ

Well Mr. and Mrs. LinkMap got married last year up the country in some wee village and the mural over the wall seemed very like something I had seen before:
Buddy Christ

Stephen Ireland’s motor

Thursday, March 20th, 2008

Via the folks at Linfield FC

There's class, there's crass and then there's this

See, I can do sport too?

We all hold out for heroes, right? – Sneak peek at Blog Awards 09 opening act

Sunday, March 16th, 2008

Via Jonnyboy – Drag queens, keeping Wonder woman costume designers in business since time began, the end of this is good too:

Fakeblogging wakeup call to Irish PR/morketing companies – Shane’s turn

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008

There’s one of these a week at this stage. This time from Shane. Seriously guys when it comes to blogs and fakeblogging and fake campaigns the truth will out at a much faster rate than in traditional media. Anyways G’wan Mr. Hegarty. Fresh from crowdsurfing at the Irish Blog Awards, Shane has sharpened his bit of glass and is gutting the people behind some fakeblogging peanut campaign. When it got bad reactions they deleted the comments too.

However, not everything goes to plan. Comments come in telling you it’s not a real blog, and wondering if Glenda Gilson deserves any more publicity. They go up, but they’re taken down again.

Now here’s a Fake bag:
Fake shit
Photo thanks to SubliminalPudding

I was laughing away at this and then Shane updated the post to point out it’s my buds Thinkhouse PR that are behind it. The ones that fibbed about the Data Protection Commissioner apologising to them after I made a complaint (which was upheld) that they spammed me. It seems Pareto 3D are the ones that regged the fakeblog though. Loving the blurb from them:

Pareto 3D is an experiential marketing agency that commences a dialogue between your brand and your consumer

And then there’s ThinkHouse PR:

We are in touch. We understand the culture of Irish media. We have embraced new-media and use it as a key component of all our PR campaigns

Arghhh. I’m cringing here. I know Thinkhouse don’t like me and justifiably so but mon dieux (as he channels Delboy) could they not talk to real bloggers who know how this stuff can work without resorting to this. Talk to Elly Parker or Deborah Hadley or Lentil Bohanna or Tom Raftery or Brassy Dent about using a real blog to pimp wares which will not get any blowback. Fakeblogging simply won’t work in Ireland. Sabrina and Lucky Oliver are a good casemodel on how to do it right. At this stage I’d be willing to hold some kind of masterclass to all these companies for free if they promise to listen to the advice given over the day and to NOT try these stunts again. I’m deadly serious here. Am sure others feel the same too.

BTW, I do appreciate the linklove for the Blog Awards and sites though. Chairs.

Irish Blog Awards 2008 – Intro Videos

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

She’s happy to see you

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

Can you tell? (Props to Michael)
