Archive for the ‘Ireland’ Category


Friday, June 5th, 2009

Outside Kilmainham


Fianna Fáil’s John Hanafin on Church Child Abuse

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009


On that corruption of anger, it is important to look at whether those who did wrong were doing so by instruction from the top, as happens, say, when people overreact and use the words “concentration camp”. In a concentration camp, the instruction from the authorities is to treat people in a certain manner. The children were not treated according to the diktat, rules, regulations and statements of the church and those who did those things were further away from the church than the poor innocent victims.

Catholic Church in Ireland

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

The Report on physical, sexual and mental abuse committed by the Catholic Church in Ireland has been out a few days and there seems to be far more outrage in other countries than here. The various political leaderships seem afraid to make any comment about this, getting spokespeople to comment instead. Now all the talk is about the Church having to pay more money. Cash isn’t justice and it doesn’t help highlight one of the darkest things about Ireland. It is my belief that every time someone does a google search for Catholic Church in Ireland, the abuse report should be front and centre. The Church itself has worked long and hard to bury the atrocities they committed. So if you feel the same way, why not link to the Report with the linking text Catholic Church in Ireland. Many would rather this report be forgotten, I’m not one of those.

Update: A powerpoint version of excerpts from just one section of the report is now online. Please consider embedding on your own blog or sending this to people on Facebook and Twitter.

Get cash off the Green Party/Deirdre De Búrca

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

500 euros for:

  • Best photo of another European City
  • Best Slogan about Europe and Democracy
  • Best Green Business Idea

You have until May 31st. Apply here.

Pound rolling
Photo owned by Dave McLear (cc)

View from Gaiety School

Saturday, May 16th, 2009

I really like this photo. Not bad from the crappy iPhone camera:


Cliffs of Moher videos

Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

Took some videos yesterday too: