Archive for the ‘Tuesday Push’ Category

Tuesday Push gets syndicated by SiliconRepublic

Monday, June 8th, 2009

Big thanks to Thomas and Bernice from BVisible for putting this together and to John Kennedy in Siliconrepublic for believing in it and offering these new online and offline spaces. Edit: Added in thanks to Bernice and BVisible!

The Tuesday Push, a co-op of people that big up a product or service every second week will now also be syndicated on SiliconRepublic and Digital21 and we may see it pop up in print as part of the eThursday Supplement in The Irish Independent. Woo.

Gordon and myself have updated the page that lets you know the criteria for a Tuesday Push. It should be clearer now. Want a push, you have to push. One for all, all for one. Cliché this, cliché that.

We have a good deal of people pushing away and giving amazing feedback on those presenting themselves but most of the companies that submit themselves for a push are not pushing other companies, thus they get rejected. If you want in, start pushing. It’s worth it as you’ll get great coverage once you get covered but probably more importantly, the people that push every second Tuesday are a mighty fine network of people and their combined analysis is worth a fortune and from what I can see they’re educating each other a lot too.

If you are a company that wants coverage then consider signing up but know the payback is medium to long-term. See SiliconRepublic article on this.

Photo owned by jasonippolito (cc)

IGO People – The Tuesday Push

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

Connecting Indviduals, Groups and Organisations to each other. Doing something so simple but in a meaningful and structured way is actually very complicated but that’s what IGO People does and does well.

IGO People

If you talk to the people behind this service, they believe very passionately about using technology to make the world better for people and the aim or one of them for IGOPeople is to get people to talk to each other and sort things out. It’s nice that if you have an issue you can address it to a group or company whether they are there or not and from the way I believe it works, they can officially come along and address youe issues. They need not be customer care issues either, just queries. We’ve already seen blogs as a place where people can get soapboxing and get satisfaction but IGO People is purposed to help you do this better with others around you.

It’s a very clever service and it’s Irish and it has some fun stuff happening on it already. Well done to them.

The push for companies on a Tuesday

Monday, January 26th, 2009

The Tuesday Push is coming back for another while. First one is tomorrow. There was a bit of a hiatus as I was busy with other things and also deciding the future of it.

Some clarifications
Unfortunately it seems people started taking advantage of what they saw as a free marketing resource for their company without having to give anything back, which is the opposite of what this is about. This is about a co-op mentality where the group involved with the Tuesday Push all helped each other out when it became the turn of those pushed. Many that signed up didn’t even want something pushed, they wanted to just help out. If you don’t have a blog or method of promoting people then the Tuesday Push is not for you. Creating a blog for this isn’t good enough either. Creating a blog and expecting 15 other blogs to talk you up on your first week isn’t going to wash either.

Another thing that people missed or I wasn’t clear about was the service has to be a unique proposition. Online stores are not unique. Rebadging off the shelf tech that was licenced or purchased is nothing new or very interesting, even if you’re selling yellow penguins that go moo in the store. Anyone can build a site using VBulletin.

Hopefully with these clarifications we can start to get attention to some clever and interesting companies and products which in turn can help the wider group.

Myself and Gordon will be looking after the Tuesday Push and there is now also a Tuesday Push twitter account. The next pushee is tomorrow and features IGO People.

The form for Tuesday Push is here.

Tuesday Push? Where’s it at? Nominate your own

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

Why not talk about your own project or a project you like for this week’s push? That’s what Gordon has done. Not had time this week to process the Push or look through the noms for Blog post of the Month. So g’wan promote something you like this time and we’ll get back to the usual in two weeks.

Tuesday Push 21st October 2008 –

Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

This is the Tuesday Push, the idea is that anyone (not just tech companies or bloggers) talk up an Irish technology product service. One that is unique and offers value. We’re not in the business of being a free a marketing team for off-the-shelf products that have been rebadged. Please keep that in mind. If you want to submit your tech product, do so here. If you want to partake, then just watch this space every second Tuesday. Also, feedback, positive or negative once constructive is welcomed. This is about encouragement with eyes open.

Today’s pushee is

Book Meeting Room


Simplify the management of meeting room booking and other shared resource reservations within your office environment quickly and efficiently using No software downloads or additional hardware required, simply use this web service from your web browser. Full self-service capability frees up central administration time. Improves staff efficiency, reduces administration overheads.

And in English: An online booking system for meeting rooms in your organisation. I chatted to Jeremiah about this app and it was built from a need they had themselves for booking meeting rooms in a shared facility they’re in. Real world solution to a real world problem they were encountering.

Try the system out for yourself. It’s very easy to do and cuts down the need for emailing a PA or office manager to book rooms. I’ve seen excel sheet style systems where you could book a room after viewing what rooms were available but only an office manager could make the changes. Then emails had to happen and waiting for replies and all that jazz. removes all that bother.

Tuesday Push – Oct 7th 2008 – LouderVoice

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008

LouderVoice for Business

They finally allowed us to give them a push. LouderVoice has been about for a good bit now and for those unaware of it, it’s a service that allows people to review anything they want and have the review republished to their blog or elsewhere. There are loads of ways to send in reviews too from Twitter and Jaiku (sub-niche site, don’t worry about it) to SMS.

I’ve done many a review on the site and it’s simplicity personified. The latest addition is a white-label type service that allows a business to import in their own reviews system that’s actually powered by LouderVoice. It’s called LouderVoice for Business. Now *thats* a very good idea. Like the tagline of “Connecting Commerce and Customers” too.

Conor O’Neill is the posterboy too for LouderVoice and is one of the greatest promoters of Irish tech talent I’ve ever encountered and it’s about time we talked him and his offering up since the Irish tech community would not be what it is without him.

For me, being a stats junkie, I’d love to see some kind of sentiment measurement for the site. X% like Sony products this week, general mood has increased y% etc. etc. Good luck too to LouderVoice who are shortlisted for the Web Awards.

If you want your technology/product listed on the Tuesday Push, then fill in this form here. We’re not interested in some rebadged or reskinned piece of technology, you have to have added some kind of IP to your service. To see the benefits of the Tuesday Push, read Gordon’s blog post on it.