Shared experiences and the Princess Bride

September 16th, 2009

So a good while back now we had the Princess Bride #asyouwish event on Twitter. The basic idea was that you could be part of a group experiencing an event, even if you were not physically near the group. People watching the Eurovision, Rose of Tralee and texting back and forth. Now we’re on Twitter doing it.

We tweeted, we had a liveblog. SoundCheck tuned in from their event. Simon McGarr stuck up some stats too: Total visitors: 409 Number of posts: 885 Number of comments: 281

Mostly super positive reaction to the event and some negative ones complaining that if you want to watch a movie you shouldn’t be tweeting. Or maybe eating. Or moving. And maybe on your own. But you don’t watch Princess Bride for the 5th or 10th time in silence. It’s very participatory. Even on first viewing.

People who have never gone to a concert and sung along to some songs probably would find this foreign and shocking. Maybe people who didn’t partake in a Rocky Horror night with all the props. Shared experiences are here to stay in digital format just like they’ve been around in analog for possibly thousands of years. Christian masses are like this when everyone sings and claps, right?

Then we see this from Fox and Fringe.

On Thursday at 9 p.m., the penultimate episode of Fringe will be accompanied by Twitter commentary from two of the show’s cast and producers.

If you’re a Helge Tennø fan you’ll know his take on marketing and earned media and how companies now need to not broadcast or disrupt and instead contribute and provide. I think vehicles like running shared experience events is one way companies can work with the general public and people from various online communities and have a little bit of fun in the process. Much better than advertising/spamming by asking people to mention your company name on Twitter.

So Princess Bride was the first in a series. People want another Twitter Movie Night soon and we’ll have one alright but also on the way are other participatory events using online communities.

Unite and build

September 16th, 2009

An article in the Business Post a while back covered the fact that RTE, Today FM and the regional radio stations are uniting to do an ad campaign to promote radio ads. This is the first time ever it’s happened. Shame it took a recession and many of them on deathwatch for it.

Why aren’t companies in the same industry doing this? Why aren’t hotels in a certain tourist location uniting and talking up their area? Why are so many companies now doggedly fighting over a smaller and smaller patch instead of making the patch bigger? Cooperation works if you want it to. The businesses in Washington Street in Cork did this a while back as did a number of other pubs running “decades’ nights in various pubs.

Do businesses in Ireland take things too personally so much that they couldn’t be a uniting force to build their whole industry? Thoughts?

Project 365 #258: 150909 Nice Chopper!
Photo owned by comedy_nose (cc)

Bianoconi’s the best pizza in Dublin? Oh Hell..

September 15th, 2009

As people know I’m a massive fan of Hell Pizza, even Sunday Times employees have accused me that I’m on their payroll but I’m not. However I am on the payroll of who had me help them organise a blogger/Twitterer/rantAndRaver event where we came, saw and pizzaed.

We were there to not be very sciencey but to sample pizzas from 6 different pizzerias and see which ones we liked and disliked the most. It was a blind taste test, nobody knew until after which pizza was from where and to my surprise and slight shock, Hell didn’t finish too well in the list.

It was my first time sampling Bianconi’s and I liked them a lot. They also apparently came out the cheapest. I heard from a few people that they do really good pizza and they’ve won some world pizza awards too but taste is subjective. Some of those on the night loved some pizza that others hated and vice-versa. So, have to head to Bianconi’s. Also the Steps of Rome? was mentioned. Where else is good in Dublin. Was our small focus group of foodies way off, near to reality, bang on? Sorry Hell 🙁

Fluffy Links – Tuesday September 15th 2009

September 15th, 2009

I was in London for Interesting and this is a nice summary of who and what was on.

Some nice online stats for Ireland.

Dublin bikes Twitter app. Darragh gets Dublin tikes fiddling with bikes.

And on that, I want this bubble blowing robot that hooks into Twitter.

Danish Tourism is edgy. Unmarried mothers selling the country.


Glee – Gold digger

Parenthetical Girls – A Song For Ellie Greenwich

Fluffy Links – Monday September 14th 2009

September 13th, 2009

New blog (at least to me) Nicky’s Rag Tales.

Election Literature blog. Super-niche!

Jaysus, another one. Bloggers for Europe. now have an iPhone App. Handy.

UCC is on Twitter too, ok.

T-shirts and mini-Gardai do not mix.

Creativity/Madness. Line.

List of journos on Twitter. (UK Centric)

Genius from the Facebook folks, messing with TechCrunch.

This is what people look like and get up to on that Plinth thing in Trafalgar Square. 3am on a Friday night must be fun with all the drunks.

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert – The Musical

September 11th, 2009

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.


Saw it last night. Found myself clapping and tapping my foot without even realising it. The movie is already brilliant but this musical really does justice to the idea. Ping pong balls n all. The bus is spectacular but I think the costumes even beat that. Tony Sheldon is exceptional. While some came along for Jason Donovan and got to see him in aussie bums or the equiv in the very first few minutes before he put on a dress, the rest of the cast probably eclipsed him. A huge bunch of talented people and one of the best sets I’ve seen. The website is great too,they get social media.


Fluffy Links – Thursday September 10th 2009

September 10th, 2009

Righto, off to London I go to attend Interesting on Saturday.

New blog. Advocato Diabolo. Good post too about that Irish band that was on heWhoHatesElectricity moaning about kids stealing their music.

Des Bishop is working with the ESB to show how to conserve energy. He’s using his own house as an example on what to do. Not being all clinical about him or anything but Des is an interesting character, big into immersing himself in a situation. Be it learning Irish and showing us all we have nothing to moan about or living in various working class areas with the locals.

Foodie? In to Molecular Gastronomy? On September 26th in Galway there’s an event called: Taste & Smell: The Chemical Senses, blurb:

Explore the science of taste and aroma, with leading food scientist David Jackson, who will take you on a thrilling journey of taste, smell, physiology, psychology and even touch on Molecular Gastronomy

Win a MacBook Pro with the Coke Zero Ireland competition on Facebook.

National College of Ireland have launched a part-time entrepreneurship programme for people made redundant from financial services companies.

Looks like a good initiative: The Last Call project – a play and workshop which will open at Siamsa Tire on Sunday 13th September. The project focuses on prevention of teenage suicide and is aimed at 15 to 18 year olds as well as adults who are parents or who are working with that age group or younger teenagers.

Win a tour of Microsoft’s giant data centre in Dublin. You have to be a Bizspark customer to qualify.

Check out the decrease in ad spend in various forms of media. Everyone except cable takes a kicking, some media forms seem to have been destroyed.

Via Creative Review. Were this a movie, I’d see it but this is a trailer for a video game:

Seasons of hype. For Rent fans:

Thanks Casting Couch

September 9th, 2009

Ran an event with yesterday evening (more on that later) in the Casting Couch facilities in Fitzwilliam Square. Bord Gais Energy did their blogger thingymajig event there earlier this year. The staff there were beyond helpful and I’ll definitely be doing more events there and that’s not even taking the good value for money it was for renting the place out.

The event involved food and they have no issues bringing your own grub and booze in, handy kitchenette in there and two rooms with wireless, laptop and the likes there. From running other events, hotels can get snooty when you bring in outside food. The Casting Couch is used for event launches, TV/Movie castings (duh) and other bits and bobs. It’s a nice alternative to a hotel situation. Check it out if you’re doing some events.

Fluffy Links – Tuesday September 8th 2009

September 8th, 2009

Get nominating your Social Media campaign to the Web Awards.

Full Arthur’s Day lineup.

Autotune the news yourself using your iPhone.

SinĂŠad Gleeson interviews Nick Cave about his second book in 20 years. 3am Mag reviews it.

David Byrne rips into boutique hotels.

Via Josh Spear is Goolery.

Goollery is an online gallery dedicated to collect, archive and showcase some of the most creative, fun and innovative Google-related projects from people around the world.

The U.S. Constitution as a graphic novel. Anyone want to do the Irish one?

Coke’s facebook Page allows and encourages remixing of fan submissions.

Well done Obama’s team. Whitehouse visitor log is made public and put online.

Michael Beirut on overdesign and maybe the need to not have design.

Fleet Foxes played a great gig at Vicar Street last night, here’s Katie Cruel:

Twestival Time

September 7th, 2009

Last week at the Nokia World Conference the most talked about and most referenced thing was Twitter. Every talk, every conversation mentioned Twitter. Taxi drivers in between giving out about the Taxi Regulator ask me “what is this Twittering thing?”. The Britney Spears of tech and now general business is what Twitter is now. Beaver shots in a way too.

As a result of Twittermania everyone is creating neologisms some of which are entering everyday language like Tweets and Twitterings and others that are plain (not even barbeque flavoured) stupid like Tweople and Twips. One word that is becoming commonly used though is Twestival. The definition of it is:

A Twestival or Twitter-Festival is a global series of events organized by volunteers around the world under short timescales via Twitter, which brings people offline for a great cause.

Twestivals in the past year have raised something like a million quid for charities. Two now are coming up in Ireland. Galway and Dublin. Tickets for Galway and Dublin are just a tenner. You don’t need to be on twitter to attend.

Galway Twestival is in The House Hotel on 10 September 2009 and is in aid of the Galway Society for the Protection of Animals so they can build a cattery. Galway Twestival needs a good bit of help with sponsors for the event and to help spread word about it.

Dublin Twestival is on September 10th in Krystle Nightclub on Harcourt Street, Dublin at 7pm and is in aid of Barnardos, Ireland’s leading children’s charity. Dublin too would like more sponsors and to spread the word.

Support them if you can and go along as it’ll be a fun night I should think.

Update with a video: