App School – Learn to make iPhone applications

June 12th, 2009

App School

One of the things that kept me busy of late was getting a new project ready. We press released about App School this morning as well as getting it mentioned in the Irish Times. Patrick, Daniel, SQT Training and myself will be involved in training people in how to build and market iPhone applications over 5 days.

If you can handle C++ or Java then this course will suit you, the first run of it is July 20th. App school is on Twitter too, naturally.

More from Patrick.

Back soon

June 11th, 2009

Been mad busy this week, fun new thing being announced tomorrow with the dayjob. Stay tuned. Meanwhile:

Fluffy Links – Tuesday June 9th 2009

June 9th, 2009

James has a breakdown on the new iPhone. Want phone now.

New website from Via. Congrats Joe et al.

Old college friend has a sweet photo blog. Ronan Palliser.

Why Twitter matters from someone with deep insight.

This is kind of cool. Using 140 characters in Twitter to encode images.

Kick starter. Great webapp if you are into trying to get funding for a cause, company or campaign.

Big Trouble in Little China, best movie evar:

Press/Media Advice for an Irish Business – The Mega mix

June 8th, 2009

Here’s a list of blog posts from some Irish people that work in and around media and PR talking about how to up your PR/Media relationship game. You might find it useful. This is from an Irish perspective, so if there are other hints and tips I missed, please let me know.

Publicistklubben Södra - 08
Photo owned by jocke66 (cc)

From Adrian Weckler:

How to get more space in a newspaper.

How to write a competent press release.

6 things I would do if I set up a PR company.

Way way more from Adrian here.

From Damien Mulley:

Dealing with the media – Interview stage.

Secrets of running a Lobby Group – Building press relations.

How to deal with journalists – as told by them.

Building relationships with journalists.

From Piaras Kelly:
PR photography tips.

Doing Your Own PR – What Tools Are Out There?

From Emily Tully:
Five things you should know when sending out a press release.

PR on a shoestring.

Preparing for PR.

From Darragh Doyle:
Using simple social media tools to capture an event.

From Eoin Kennedy:
Online PR Distribution Debate Opened Up Again?

Tuesday Push gets syndicated by SiliconRepublic

June 8th, 2009

Big thanks to Thomas and Bernice from BVisible for putting this together and to John Kennedy in Siliconrepublic for believing in it and offering these new online and offline spaces. Edit: Added in thanks to Bernice and BVisible!

The Tuesday Push, a co-op of people that big up a product or service every second week will now also be syndicated on SiliconRepublic and Digital21 and we may see it pop up in print as part of the eThursday Supplement in The Irish Independent. Woo.

Gordon and myself have updated the page that lets you know the criteria for a Tuesday Push. It should be clearer now. Want a push, you have to push. One for all, all for one. Cliché this, cliché that.

We have a good deal of people pushing away and giving amazing feedback on those presenting themselves but most of the companies that submit themselves for a push are not pushing other companies, thus they get rejected. If you want in, start pushing. It’s worth it as you’ll get great coverage once you get covered but probably more importantly, the people that push every second Tuesday are a mighty fine network of people and their combined analysis is worth a fortune and from what I can see they’re educating each other a lot too.

If you are a company that wants coverage then consider signing up but know the payback is medium to long-term. See SiliconRepublic article on this.

Photo owned by jasonippolito (cc)

Fluffy Links – Monday June 8th 2009

June 8th, 2009

Fun blog. Quack. Wat the Duck?

Social media checklist. Friends aren’t enough, nor blog comments.

Draw to get some Lindt chocolate., an Irish startup in the online holiday rentals space are looking for an online marketing guru to come on-board as a business partner in return for equity. Anyone?

Lee Kutner’s Blog


Tuesday Push stats from Robin. Stay tuned for some good news about Tuesday Push.

Cool art in Venice.

Zamora wedged a life-size zeppelin between buildings at the Arsenale

Via Josh Spear

Sherwin-Williams just launched ColorSnap, an iPhone application that allows you to snap a photo and get the matching Sherwin-Williams paint color from more than 1,500 in their database.

I wonder will Dulux do something like this in time?

More art.

The piece, entitled “It wasn’t meant to end like this”, is a huge mechanical digger that seems to have buried itself under 300 tonnes of rubble…

Digger equivalent of an ostrich?

AC/DC – Back in Black, live at Donnington

Eminem mixed with Back in Black:

He’s backed by the mandate we gave him

June 7th, 2009

That’s alright so. Hail to the chief.

Brian Cowen or Fozzy bear?

I’m over here

June 6th, 2009

There on IrishElection. See the Liveblog for updates on the counts around the country. No no, counts.

Update: And I’m physically in the blogger war room in Ballsbridge Court Hotel, thanks for the room D4 Hotels!

Blogger War Room

Princess Di is Dead
Photo owned by UKDevon (cc)


June 5th, 2009

Outside Kilmainham


Good luck to the candidates and their teams today

June 5th, 2009

I know people in most of the political parties and the work they’ve put in to the locals, by(e)-elections and European elections shows their unfettered belief in their party and the political system they’re part of. Today people will vote for candidates, worthy ones and those who are there to get elected based on their minor celebrity status or the status of family members. It’s not easy to put yourself out in public and experience the attention, praise and waves of verbal mutliation that people will send your way. The same goes for the campaigners behind the candidate. If we were voting for hard work, the results would be far different for some people. No matter what party you’re in, recognition should be given for the work you’ve put in. Good luck to everyone today.