Labour leader stays silent about church abuse but please watch his TV ad

May 22nd, 2009

Not one comment from Eamon Gilmore about the Ryan report on their website. A big speech about unions though. It seems the most imporant thing for Gilmore right now is the TV ad that makes him look like Dad No. 1 in Ireland. That’s front and centre on the Labour site. All that Labour has thrown out is a comment about how Pat Rabbitte was right. Yeah, because the most important thing to say after a report of mass rape, deaths and abuse is Pat Rabbitte feeling smug. Labour care more about politics than the victims of abuse judging by their leader’s silence.

But then this is the party where a member of their core team supported a child rapist and wasn’t even censured by the party. Again, Labour and silence on child abuse.

Almost Fluffy Links – Friday May 22nd 2009

May 22nd, 2009

On Sunday Joe Higgins is holding what could be classed as a social media press conference. Bloggers can meet and chat to him in person at the IFI and it’s streamed on uStream so those at home can tune in and ask questions via UStream or Twitter.

Meanwhile RTE has an Election Blog that even allows comments and they have a whole host of new Twitter accounts including one from Prime Time.

Free vegetable seeds from Glenisk.

Gimme Shelter – The Rolling Stones

Double Oh Bracken – John Bracken is back

May 22nd, 2009

Vote John Bracken

And a tune via IrishElection.

Show and Tell with Sony Ericsson, Tuesday 26th of May, Dublin

May 21st, 2009

The Show and Tell series of tech meets as previously mentioned will kickstart next Tuesday evening at 7pm at the Odeon in Dublin with Sony Ericsson showing off some of their gear and telling us of upcoming products. Given it’s the first event we don’t know exactly will the format work or not but it’s worth trying. No sales pitches, just geeky goodness.

If you have questions you want to ask of Sony Ericsson in advance, leave them here or email me.

If you want to attend, leave a comment below. We’re limiting places to 25 people.

On the phone @ Manchester, UK
Photo owned by timparkinson (cc)

Get cash off the Green Party/Deirdre De Búrca

May 21st, 2009

500 euros for:

  • Best photo of another European City
  • Best Slogan about Europe and Democracy
  • Best Green Business Idea

You have until May 31st. Apply here.

Pound rolling
Photo owned by Dave McLear (cc)

Fluffy Links – Thursday May 21st 2009

May 21st, 2009

Darragh is jumping out of a plane for charity. I’m down for a hundred bucks. Anyone else want to offer him money to be pushed/jump?

New Irish blog that covers gaming et al: No Added Sugar

Google finally goes local in Ireland.

Adrian Weckler takes a bad press release to task. Where free means nearly four grand.

New blog: big Mental Disease.

Video: Us now.

Photos by Sammy.

Naive New Beaters – Live Good

Fluffy Links – Wednesday May 20th 2009

May 20th, 2009

Decisions for Heroes has launched. Well done Robin and all involved. D4H is a way for rescue workers to get better at what they do and share this knowledge.

“We all know all most politicians are muppets. At least he’s being up front about it.” Who is this Catty Killian that does the Irish Times Campaign blog? Bitchy remark after bitchy remark and getting a lot of material from other bloggers. Attribution is good yeah?

Magnet have a customer interaction forum on now. First telco to do so. Good call. where the broadband lovers are.

Interesting blog: The State of the Nation.

New blog from Alasdar Browne.

Worksafe bonerific.

I’ve got nothing against your god

Via Bookslut: Ranking poets by beard weight.

25 usability cheat sheets.

Via Cool Hunting. The Designer of Obama’s New Media campaign. Someone NOT wanting to consult to an Irish political party.

Death Cab For Cutie “Soul Meets Body”

Event: The Changing World in Sales – “Buyers Are Not Buying” – Dublin, June 3rd

May 19th, 2009

Burlington Hotel. At 7am. Thank god it’s only around the corner from where my bags stay in Dublin.

Big blurb:

This is a meet event organised by the Sales Leadership Ireland Linked In Group. This is a not-for-profit initiative.

SECTION 1: Interactive sessions with Speakers (45 minutes)

1) Introduction to Sales Leadership Ireland
– Niall Devitt, B2B Training

2) “Removing the New Bottlenecks in today’s Sales Processes” – 10 minutes
Niall Devitt of B2BTraining will lead a discussion on how sales challenges are always changing with changing markets, how to identify these changes and how to respond.

3) “Partnering into New Markets” – 10 minutes
Donagh Kiernan of Maidsfield Associates will present a case study of how corporate partnering is an effective method of entering new sectoral or regional markets.

4) “Engaging with Customers through New Media” – 20 minutes
Damien Mulley of Mulley Communications will discuss how new media can be used to communicate with your market and gain new business.

SECTION 2: Key Challenges Roundtables (1 hour)

Maximum attendees 30 – 3 round tables of 10

A number of identified Key Challenges in the industry today will be discussed and debated to share insights on how challenges can and are be met by members. The key challenges will be collected from the Sales Leadership Ireland – Linked-In Discussion Group.

For more details go to news and discussions sections @

Brainwashing the old guard in the cult of social media

May 19th, 2009

There are many who see commercial companies and their PR reconnaissance staff as a bad thing for the web. Coming online and whoring various crappy products and services. Influencing bloggers by buying them a few drinks. Silencing critics by giving them a few freebies. I don’t agree. I see commercial companies joining the online space as a good thing but maybe not for them if they want to keep their comfortable status quo. The more the web is about everyone, the better. We need a realistic cross-section online like we have offline.

Blogs, Facebook, Twitter are a cult and we have the opportunity to brainwash so many companies into becoming truly open sourced in terms of IP and of attitude. Social media is infectious. Get close to it enough times and you’re a convert. A company will start blogging and Twittering and infecting itself despite all their internal rules. This social media cancer will come in and bit by bit will replace the rules based and rules drive old school attitudes with the idea that sharing is fun. All of a sudden the CEO is blogging and having conversations with other CEOs and all done in public. Customer support is done in public, metrics are shared in public. Look at the Conservatives’ website where they now share expense claims live on the web.You can even subscribe to them!

Kool-aid lunch box
Photo owned by chrisdlugosz (cc)

Look at how the best cults work. They are open to new members, they welcome them and nurture them while introducing their beliefs and livestyles and all of a sudden you have a convert. Then you get the convert to convert people.

So if you’re a company with bad customer service and you expect that to continue, that does not want to hear what people are saying about you and wants to dictate to the public, not have the public help run your organisation, then stay away from the web, it’ll kill you. Block Facebook, block blogs and especially block Twitter. All it takes is one person in your org to get converted and the illusionary walls you created for your fortress company will come tumbling down. Koolaid anyone?

Fluffy Links – Monday 18th of May 2009

May 18th, 2009

MeasurementCamp Dublin is on May 27th in the Odeon. This event is vital for those in PR and Marketing. My thoughts on it here. – a sale of over 1,000 dresses donated by (mostly) Irish women for the Downs Syndrome Centre. Donate yours. I did.

Libertas using Irish Coat of Arms in their posters. Tut tut.

Joe on Wolfram Alpha.

The NI Policing Board is holding a meeting on Tuesday as Gaelige.

Intro books on a whole raft of subjects. A nice compilation of the best primers to various disciplines.

Free newspapers going horribly wrong and hurting everyone…

Twitter search engines.

So want to get a good domain name? Not as easy as it seems.

Via Creative Review: Rega – Heaven can wait

Doves – The Man Who Told Everything