Fluffy Links – Monday April 6th 2009

April 6th, 2009

Treasa has a fantastic project. Taking pics and making a book of abandoned boats. Even has Gogole Maps!

Manuel points out godlike breakfasts: Bacon Cupcakes.

Blogger and Twitter meetup in Cork on April 25th.

Some upcoming business blogging events.

Ciara O’Brien is the latest Irish Times blogger. Godspeed.

New blog: LeFournier.

Honesty. Hangover cure.


George Hook’s most used words on Twitter.

EC business help. Saw this in a GMail ad!

Via: Smooth to the wall post-its

Chemical Brothers – Believe


April 4th, 2009

Via H Failure is good because…

BT Ireland scheme gives laptops/broadband to up to 80 groups

April 3rd, 2009

Got this via a press release. Laptop and broadband for a year for 80 groups of charities/community groups. Worth applying which can be done online. Done via their UK website. Apply at: www.btcommunityconnections.com

The BT Community Connections award scheme will allow community and charitable organisations that are looking to extend their work through the use of the internet and ICT to apply for a laptop and a year’s free broadband internet connection.

The scheme runs over an 18 month period, with two rounds in June 2009 and January 2010, offering a total of up to 80 award packages across the island of Ireland. To apply simply log on to www.btcommunityconnections.com

Applying doesn’t take too long, if you’re not in…

Hitler discovers who won the National Broadband Tender

April 3rd, 2009

What’s with the front pages?

April 3rd, 2009

Labour front page:
Labour front page

Fine Gael is a bit eurovisionary or Zooropa-y
Fine Gael front page

BTW, I liked Fine Gael’s budget thingymajig, Labour’s taxing of texts to pay for the cervical vaccine was beyond dumb. Kids will be paying more than adults if all texts are taxed the 1 cent that Labour suggested. Meteor texts for life would be killed off. So teenage girls would actually end up paying for the vaccine just like Mary Harney suggested. It also undermines the importance of the issue by saying it’s not central to the Department of Health, it’s on a par with the plastic bag tax. Why not tackle the wastage in the damned health system instead of raising more money to have it swallow up?

That Internship Idea – 24 offers

April 2nd, 2009

So you may have seen where I said I was interested in doing internship type stints in companies. I’ve gotten 24 offers, some of them from very fascinating companies. I’m sticking with the 4/5 at most. I don’t have the time to do more. I’ll be letting the companies know later today if I’m going with them or not. So about 20 groups are getting turned down, the decision was genuinely tough. Lots of interesting people I’d love to work with.

Legal-aged Daughters still Chalking
Photo owned by Todd Ehlers (cc)

So why not open up the offer to others? Tommy and Klara have both left comments saying they’re interested in doing internships too. I’ve heard from others in companies both small and large that they’d love to sit in with other companies. I think it’s a big benefit for a company to let their employees spend some time in another company. We have ambassadors in global politics and many reasons why they work. Twinning cities seems to work as well. There are loads of professionals and students who are living the online life that would relish the chance of working in an exciting company and who by bringing their own viewpoints and ways into a company can enrich a company, if encouraged correctly.

For companies, here’s something to consider though. Telling me or others why we are needed and how we can help you can be charming but it can also get replied to with: Then pay me to consult with you. Value needs to go both ways. Many of us get the chance to work and do fun stuff with companies and we get paid for it. Educate those potential interns!

If you want to intern, leave a comment and contact emails below.

Fluffy Links – Thursday April 2nd 2009

April 2nd, 2009

Very bloggy day today.

Sinéad’s research on Irish blogging is out. It rocks. She does too. Have a gander.

Genius. Use Twitter and a shortcode to leave a comment on a blog.

New blog. Basis Erased.

This is why blogging is great. Different eyes. Not so tired eyes. Covering a conference by being in another igloo doesn’t work.

The National Concert Hall are quite deep into this web thing these days. Great and useful website. Facebook, a blog and Twitter. Go them. Blog should obviously be on their website but still great moves from them.

Reverb studios show traffic stats due to their blog.

Rundown of April Fool’s pranks.

Beamish is for Ireland only from now on? Boo.

Written on this it says: I don’t mind how you paint my soul, but get the tie correct

Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead teaser

Not fluffies – April 1st 2009

April 1st, 2009

They’ll come later. Didn’t I rickroll every link last year?

Just one single link for now. Rainbow Cake. Yes! Cake made of rainbow, kinda.

And a pic I took in the Crawford Art Gallery yesterday:

Fluffy Links – Tuesday March 31st 2009

March 31st, 2009

New Irish blog: Never Mind the Logic. Comicy goodness.

The Philips store during Earth Hour in Dublin.

Puddle Ducks have a Facebook prize draw. Last day!

via it@Cork PFH in Cork and Galway are giving free tech training to those made redundant.

Via Jim, new Irish Times blog by Tom Doorley called Megabites. Great name.

Conor O’Neill models Brian Cowen’s willy. Small w.

Cybercom are looking for a designer.

Review of the Revai Electric Car.

TV Presenter wanted.

The web has made kicking ass easier to achieve, and mediocrity harder to sustain. Mediocrity now howls in protest.

Hugh MacLeod.

Takedown of Gordon Brown by Daniel Hannan MEP. Simple but powerful.

Via Jim again, Department Of Eagles – No One Does It Like You

Small Business Can and Will thanks to a new site

March 31st, 2009

I recently got a call from the guys behind the website Small Business Can about how they could go about getting attention for their service that brings experienced business people together with people looking for business advice. The site is launched and live and a full press campaign is happening very soon. Ulster Bank like the positivity so much they’re giving some support and some media outlets too but the service is always going to be independent and non-commercial.

Small Business Can

The whole idea is that the creators of it are putting in their time to give something back to the business community in Ireland. The site isn’t sexy and there are many areas that can be Web 2.0ified but the information on it is very practical. I was impressed with the intent and passion of the people enough that I’ve volunteered my time to help them spread the word. The people behind this are Greg Byrne, Ron Immink and Fionan Murray.

To begin with you figure out at what stage your company is at and you can access resources at each stage then. The stages are Startup, Emerging, Rapid Growth and Next Level. From there you look at the 4 Ms (yes yes it’s very Mnemonicy) in your selected stage which are Marketing and Sales, Management, Money and Motivation. There’s a map or maze! for the resources under there. More articles will be added over time and if you want to contribute any, I believe they’ll be welcome and might be put up after the information is verified.

Naturally the articles will never cover everything so there is a discussion forum on the site too where you can post questions without having to register. It is hoped to get enough people contributing there with questions and answers to build a good body of knowledge and be a place of positive encouragement.

They’ll also be looking to collate case studies, success and well-earned-scars stories for others to look at so keep looking at the site as maybe you know someone or it could be yourself. They’ve also done a few videos with way more to happen. I’ll be getting them to blog, use Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube and drag them into 2009. 🙂

Some of the founders will be around in Cork on Thursday evening if people want to meet with them and have a chat. For those that have blogs or are on Twitter and Facebook or take part in discussion forums, please consider pointing people to Small Business can.

Oh yes and want to demo your company/product at the Science Gallery? See here.