Fluffy Links – Monday March 9th 2009

March 9th, 2009

Use your iPhone to take better photos.

New blogs:
Ian Walsh

Kevin Coleman.

Margaret Ward.

Irish Credit Union Voice.

Ooooh, cute puppy blog from Lette

And then she does this video of sexual terms in sign language!

Seán draws Obama.

I’m away for this but the Deciphering Trust event sounds great.

Some nice tips from Seamus on buying ads on radio. Nice to know listeners pay more attention to the ads at night.

How to give presentations when the room is on Twitter, interacting.

Casiotone for the Painfully Alone play Cork soon. Woo.

Russians. Crazy motherfuckers.

Via Fred: iBand! Playing music using iPhones and iPods!

And no hand in destiny

March 7th, 2009

Fluffy Links – Friday March 6th 2009 (Watchmen Day!)

March 6th, 2009

Congrats to the Internet’s Ben McRedmond on his Picomarks social bookmarks service.

Joe Ryan from Labour has a neat but depressing feature on his blog. It shows the increase in youth unemployment in Wexford. 700 in April to 1200 this month.

I only saw this now (hey I was busy dynamiting Building 7) but this is a lovely post from Lottie.

Lee Munroe is running a marathon for a kids’ charity. He has a sponsor site up.

New blog: Not Ruairi is a naive young man in Dublin. He sits in a room recording music all day, occasionally channelling the spirit of Cary Grant.

HB now have a fun Facebook Page. Brilliant videos from a bygone era on TV. Zig and Zag pre-Dustin with Ray D’Arcy with a fine head of black hair.

Adam Douglas now has a campaign site. Congrats. Just in time for the Green Party Conference.

Eolai’s paintings are still for sale at a discounted rate.

Michael O’Leary rocks. At times. Other times, no.

How to find hope in the recession.

‘’Possibility 2009+ Seminar’’ is happening on March 12th in Cork.

Possibility 2009 is a joint initiative of both South Cork and Cork City Enterprise Boards. For further information and online booking please visit www.sceb.ie/online-booking. This seminar is highly subsidized at €30 per participant

In April Johnnie Moore and Kay Scorah will run a workshop called a “A Day of Noticing“. Was at an adhoc workshop over lunchtime Johnnie did in the Guardian Offices a while back where we were throwing imaginary balls at each other that made odd sounds. It was fun and refreshing.

Video for JJ – Playground. Directed by Thomas Hefferon & Kay Madsen, a friend of a friend. Very stylish video and great song.

Look at the National Debt clock go!

March 5th, 2009

Luke Leslie made a wee video with Prodigy Music:

Blackout Ireland Day – ISP Association of Ireland yet to say a thing

March 5th, 2009

Why has there been silence from the representative group of Irish ISPs? The ISPAI has yet to say a thing about the eircom/IRMA deal. Does this mean they are not against it? Others have been very vocal about this horrible deal. Silence does nothing. Silence in times of adversity is bad. Speak up and speak out ISPAI, you are quick enough to ring the bells when it comes to the Data Retention laws and get coverage from your friends in the Irish Times.

More on Blackout Ireland.

Photoshop moment

March 5th, 2009

Martin Cullen references are optional.

Minister Martin shares his technique

See original pic here.

Noel Dempsey no likey fearless leader.

Noel says so

Too Fake

March 5th, 2009

Too Fake Music Video

Even pay machines are at the Obama Lark

March 4th, 2009


Change is Possible

Fluffy Links – Wednesday March 4th 2009

March 4th, 2009

Best blog post title this week. Things I have unintentionally ingested today.

Lauren has a very comprehensive list of Social Media Measurement tools. Free ones!

The Next Big Thing is being live-streamed today between 5pm-7:30pm. The event features a keynote presentation from the former Chief Architect of Twitter, Blaine Cook.

Yay, the Mardyke has a new skate park.

Via Declan. Free signed books!

Real politics online. Once again Ciarán Cuffe shows how to do it. He blogs, Twitters and replies to comments on his blog.

New blog, CorkLangerdan.

Win tickets to Ponytail. They’re a band, Forrest.

Grazt to AMIT for their new website.

So a report about Digital Britain was released. Then some clever person put a Wiki together for a publicly created better version.

They called the plane Gaza and it flies over Texas a lot. Hah.

Nenenenenaaa Batfight!

Via Kottke, great vid of what it looks like to be a piece of sushi on a platter on a sushi conveyor.

Sorry, it got into my head, now yours:

Fluffy Links – Tuesday March 3rd 2009

March 3rd, 2009

Suzy’s video of David Davin Power surrounded by Fianna Fáil Yokels is scary.

Want to exhibit your art outdoors in the good months in Dublin? Clicky.

EU Business Grant anyone?

New blog: The Bloggy Dew.

New blog: Ross V Ross.

U2 and their new album are just another nail in the coffin of the old record industry.

Nice post from 1169 about Fine Gael making charity cases out of basic rights.

I totally agree with Battelle, Twitter results are showing up all over Google of late, they’re going to have to buy for that alone, just like they bought YouTube.

New car graveyards, if you will.

Oh my, what was she thinking with that dress?

Jim already did his review of the Hockey and Passion Pit concert, I think Hockey were much better live, I’d buy their album alone from that gig, not so much Passion Pit.

Passion Pit – Sleepy Head (Live in Whelan’s)

HD Version